Early Exit Polls: Voters Say They Want A Strong Leader

trhilMore voters this year are looking for a strong leader than in previous presidential elections, according to an early morning exit poll, whose results could shift significantly over the course of Election Day.

The first results from the Morning Consult/POLITICO Exit Poll of early and Election-Day voters also show few voters are feeling joy and pride at the climax of the campaign.

Asked what characteristic is most important for the next president, 36 percent of voters say they want a “strong leader,” 29 percent want “a vision for the future,” 16 percent want someone who “cares about people like me” and another 16 percent said they want someone who “shares my values.”

The percentage of voters thus far who say they want a strong leader – a characterization Donald Trump’s team made central to his campaign – is twice the percentage who said they were looking for a strong leader in the 2012 National Election Pool exit poll.


2 Responses

  1. A strong leader is one who can build an inclusive coalition and co-opt opponents and turn them into supporters. That leaves out Clinton and Trump (and Obama). If your strategy is to demonize and mock your opponents, you are doomed to be a leader of faction and no more.

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