America is in Labor

voteBy Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times

“America is in labor. In twenty-four hours, we will find out whether it is a boy or girl. And then we will all be suffering post-partem depression.” So writes an email that is making the rounds.

But it is actually wrong for us to be depressed, as there is a Mitzvah of “Ivdu es hashem b’Simcha – Serve Hashem in joy.” [The following lecture was given to a group of Yeshiva alumnus.]


There is a fascinating Seforno on the pasuk of VaYevk Oso Aviv. Regarding Yoseph’s disappearance, it says that his father cried for him. Whose father cried for who? The Seforno explains that Yitzchok was crying for Yaakov. Why? Because in his state of depression who would not have the level of Ruach haKodesh that he had before. Yitzchok cried for Yaakov’s lost spirituality.

If sadness and depression take away from Ruach haKodesh, it certainly is a detractor from Dveikus as well.

One of the prerequisites for having true Dveikus is to fulfill the ideal of ivdu es hashem b’simcha. In this short overview, six different aspects of life will be examined in order to assist us in increasing our ivdu es hashem b’simcha. They are: Ruchniyus, Parnassah, Knei Lecha Chaver, Kesef, Brius, and Zikui HaRabbim.

Ruchnius – Spirituality. It is important that we place active effort in our ruchniyus. Without Ruchniyus being an active component in our lives we cannot truly be oved Hashem in Simcha. Following the Mishna in Pirkei Avos, the effort can and should take the following form. Torah, Avodah, and Gmilus Chassadim. For Torah we must try to learn at least 5 minutes in the daytime and at least five minutes at night. If we can add a chunck of a few hours in both the daytime and night that would be the ideal. In Avodah, we should try to focus on Shmoneh Esreh or at least one bracha at a time with tremendous intentions. Viyerushalayim ircha berachamim tashuv is a very good one to begin with. You can expand from there. Try to not let a day go by where you didn’t do at least two chassadim. This was found in the Tzavaah of Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky to his family members. Rav Chaim Ozer, of course, was the Gadol haDor in the early 1900’s until the fortie.

Parnassah – It is important to choose a parnassah that you will be happy with. Practically, it should be a parnassah where you can make a decent enough salary to support yourself and your family. For women, they need the potential to make high parnasah even if they will eventually remain with children. In our times, Parnassah requires three things. Planning – 1] figuring out what will make us happy by interacting with people in the field, 2] Working hard in gaining that parnassah education and 3] Working on our “stick-to-it” muscles – not to give up on our program.

Knei Lecha Chaver – Friends are key to our ivdu es Hashem b’simcha. The Pasuk in Koheles (4:9-10) tovim hashnayim min im yipolu haEchad yakim haSheini.

Kesef- We have to exercise financial responsibility and always make sure that we have at least $40 on us, $400 in the bank and are always putting away at least 5% of our income. This reduces shalom bayis problems and removes a huge factor that undermines Dveikus and Ivdu Es Hashem b’Simcha

Brius- When we are eating right and exercising regularly it creates and furthers our simchas haChaim. The Rambam writes that 90 percent of illnesses come from incorrect eating.

Zikui HaRabbim- Everyone needs a project that will assist the masses in some way. It gives us a chiyus in life. Rav Yisroel Salanter, in fact, that Zikui HaRabbim is the one tool that will save us from the Yetzer Harah.

In our hishtadlus, we should constantly review these areas. Our Dveikus and the simchas haChaim in our lives will be vastly improved – regardless of the results of this election!

The author can be reached at [email protected]

3 Responses

  1. In response to the first line of this otherwise serious essay:

    We are awaiting the birth of a child whom we already know will be severely developmentally disabled, and might not be viable, and collectively wondering “what were we thinking” nine months ago.

    But the United States has survived worse, and more importantly (and no matter how much recent presidents have tried to ignore the fact), the American president isn’t all that powerful, as much of governance is entrusted to the states (who are the recipients of all reserved powers), and the Congress has the sole power to make laws and authorize expenditures.

    And while many countries have had horrible choices in elections, in America neither candidate is anti-semitic, both have Jewish relatives, and the frum community is able to debate which one we want (as opposed to places where one candidate wants to get rid of us, so we have no such choice).

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