PHOTO: This Photo Was Taken At A Polling Location In Brooklyn

bk This photo was taken at a polling location in Brooklyn on the morning of Election Day 2016.

15 Responses

  1. 1. Of course its not Saudi Arabia. They don’t really have elections there (not in any way we recognize).

    2. It’s not France either – note they allow people to wear religious headgear.

    3. Be happy you are in a country in which what you wear on your head doesn’t affect your civil rights. Would you really want a rule that persons with yarmulkes or sheitels not be allowed to vote?

  2. Don’t know why YW posted this pic and caption.
    Kinda racist and childish if you ask me.
    What if someone post’s a pic of a bunch of chassidim with paiyus and the levush with caption, ” no, this is not Jerusalem/Israel this is a polling station in Boro Park”.
    Do we need to stir up needless animosity?
    Did it ever occur to anyone that goyim or perhaps even unaffiliated jews visit this website and this can cause a chilul hshm?
    Please YW stick to the regular, useful news and not silly, naive drivel.

  3. I am less disturbed by the Muslim women exercising their Constitutional rights, than by the guy nex to them picking his nose.



  4. Ignorance and pure naivete,you take a purely democratic process and portray it with racism and bias. All Americans are entitled and have a civil right to take part in that process. Regardless of race,color,religion or ethnicity.

  5. These are remarkable times: (i) the Chicago Cubs won the World Series for the first time in 108 years (6 x Chai), (ii) America is about to elect a woman president, and (iii) akuperma (commenter no. 3) made a sound comment with which I agree.

  6. #10 remarkable indeed, because now ANYTHING GOES!
    …in 2008 a dark, president
    in 2016 a perhaps female president, In this case the former president will become First Man! (#7 that’s eeeeewwwww!)
    in 2020 a Toeiva president, (Leave it to your imagination)

  7. I don’t see anything wrong with the picture. Adaraba, it shows that these women are responsible people. The City pays polling station employees for their service. I know of a heimisha guy that did it in our voting location, last time around. Instead of sitting around and milking the system, they are going out to work. They are to be commended.

  8. #11:
    “in 2020 a Toeiva president, (Leave it to your imagination)”

    Yup. The co-occupant of the White House will be called the “First Mate”, or “Gilligan” for short.

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