NY Lawmaker: Repeal Ban On Ballot Selfies

voteA state lawmaker in New York says he will introduce legislation to repeal the state’s ban on ballot selfies.

Utica Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi, a Democrat, says voters should be allowed to take pictures of their completed ballot. He says any negatives related to ballot selfies are outweighed by the positives, including the possibility that they could encourage more young people to cast a ballot.

A federal judge on Thursday let the ban stand after a lawsuit was filed challenging the 1890 law. The judge said lifting the ban so soon before Tuesday’s election could cause disruptions at the polls.

Ballot selfies are illegal in at least 17 states. In New York the ban was put in place to prevent voter intimidation or the buying and selling of votes.


One Response

  1. The government stopped making backup copies of original votes to compare since before Obama’s first election, do you expect them to allow selfies? How will they be able to stage Hillary’s victory without fraud, without rigging the voting machines, stuffing ballots and adding dead voters several times if in truth she doesn’t have more than about a 20% chance to win?

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