FBI: No Charges Against Clinton After New Email Review

comeyFBI Director James Comey abruptly announced Sunday that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges related to newly discovered emails from her tenure at the State Department, lifting a cloud of uncertainty that has shadowed the final days of her presidential campaign.

In a letter to congressional lawmakers two days before Election Day, Comey said the FBI has worked “around the clock to process and review a large number of emails” obtained from a device belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman and estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Comey said the review has not changed the bureau’s assessment from earlier this year that Clinton should not be prosecuted for her handling of classified information at the State Department.

Clinton’s campaign welcomed the FBI announcement.

“We’re glad this matter is resolved,” Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s communications director, told reporters traveling with the campaign to Ohio.

Clinton was infuriated by Comey’s decision to alert Congress late last month that the FBI was reviewing new materials, calling it “unprecedented” and “deeply troubling.” The decision shattered what had appeared to be Clinton’s solid grip on the race and emboldened Republican Donald Trump.

Trump landed in Minnesota for a rally moments after Comey’s announcement. He made no direct mention of the FBI decision and continued to insist —without evidence — that Clinton would be under investigation during her potential presidency.

“She’s protected by a rigged system,” he said. “She shouldn’t even be allowed to run for president.”

The FBI began investigating the handling of classified material on Clinton’s private server in New York shortly after she announced her bid in April 2015. Last July, in an extraordinary public statement on an ongoing case, Comey announced he was not recommending criminal charges against Clinton and called the decision “not even a close call.”

But he also delivered blistering criticism of Clinton, calling her and her team “extremely careless” with her handling of national secrets.

Clinton had appeared to be heading for a sweeping victory before the FBI review, but Comey’s announcement blunted her momentum. Since then, national polls and battleground states have tightened, though Clinton still appears to hold an edge over Trump in the campaign’s last moments.

During remarks at a black church Sunday morning, Clinton urged voters to choose “unity over division” as she sought to close a caustic presidential campaign on an uplifting note. She warned that President Barack Obama’s legacy is on the line, part of her strategy to shore up black voters who may be less enthusiastic about her than the president.

“If we come together with the common vision, common faith, we will find common ground,” Clinton declared.

Clinton also planned to campaign alongside basketball superstar LeBron James in his home state of Ohio and appear in New Hampshire with Khizr Khan, the Gold Star father who delivered a stinging indictment of Trump at the Democratic convention.

Her high-wattage allies also fanned out across the country, including President Barack Obama, who was joined by musician Stevie Wonder at a rally in Florida.

As the campaign’s final weekend drew to a close, more than 41 million Americans had already cast their ballots in early voting.

Trump opened a furious day of campaigning in Iowa, the battleground states where he appears in the strongest position. He also planned to make stops in Minnesota, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three states that have reliably voted for Democrats in presidential elections, as well as Virginia, a state Clinton’s campaign believes it has a solid hold on.

Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told reporters Sunday that Trump planned to keep up the breakneck campaign pace through Election Day. After voting in New York Tuesday morning, Trump was expected to return to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina and New Hampshire later in the day, Conway said.

The businessman was also facing criticism for a new ad that asserts the “establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election” and features photos of billionaire George Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, all of whom are Jewish.

The National Jewish Democratic Council said the ad’s use of anti-Semitic stereotypes is “shocking and dangerous.”


25 Responses

  1. something smells rotten here. the article does not say that the FBI reviewed ALL 650,000 emails; only “a large number of them”. so isn’t this announcement a bit premature? if i was working for Comey, i’d resign immediately! i find it almost impossible and unlikely that somewhere in the 650,000 emails, there is nothing there to nail her. mr comey, congratulations on being inducted in the “crooked hillary machine”. you’ve certainly earned it.

  2. Why exactly isn’t she being investigated for the miss handling of classified information which seems to be showing up all over the place not to mention the foundation scandal

  3. We wuz robbed!!! We wuz jobbed !!!
    The Bix Fix is in.
    Obama & Lynch Syndicate locked Comey in a room and threatened the blood out of him.
    Shame on America!
    Even Brezhnev, Khruschev weren’t this corrupt.
    You ain’t off the hook, Comey. Your time is coming.

  4. Herr-Director Comey is the new guest lecturer in the upcoming Evelyn Woods speed-reading seminar. He’ll teach you how to get through 650,000 emails in only four days, or your money back!

  5. So was my Trump-supporting friend half-right or half-wrong when he told me this morning at Shachris that the FBI would announce and carry out, before the election, the arrest of Hillary Clinton? Maybe he was just confused about whether this was an actual news report, or just a matter of what he was praying for.

    – Must be that MASSIVE CHILD TRAFFICKING became legal
    – Must be that PEDOPHILIA RING OPERATION became legal
    – Must be that ADULTERY became legal
    – Must be that PAY-FOR-PLAY WITH ISLAMIC STATES became legal
    – Must be that GIVING ARMS AND WEAPONS TO ISIS became legal
    – Must be that giving ISIS $1/2 BILLION dollars became legal
    – Must be that THEFT became legal
    – Must be that PERJURY became legal
    – Must be that BRIBERY became legal
    – Must be that MONEY LAUNDERING became legal
    – Must be that CHEATING ON DEBATES became legal
    – Must be that HIRING WOMEN TO TESTIFY AGAINST TRUMP became legal

    When did these new US laws go into effect? And what has become Illegal in the US?

    – Supporting and voting for Donald Trump has become illegal and a severe crime

    How soon can we see the revised Constitution according to the NEW WORLD ORDER?

  7. The FBI “Director” James Comey and his wife are not ready to be the next on Clinton’s Body Count.

    Is there any doubt that the CORRUPT FBI, the Dept of Justice, the White House, the CIA and other governmental organizations will FORCE the DEVIL into the Oval Office even though she probably wouldn’t get more than about 25% of the votes as the real media have reported?

    Countdown to MARTIAL LAW and the use of intense force.

  8. Aryeh – stop reading delusional conspiracy websites. Drudge report and Breitbart are not real news. There is still time to educate yourself with real sources and make the smart vote for Hillary.

  9. Forget the 600,000 emails for a moment.
    She lied to Congress & FBI. Comey testified as such.
    She sent & received classified info, Comey basically called her a liar. Unusual for FBI to grant so many immunities to key people. She couldn’t “recall” as lawyers advised to “forget” so she won’t be indicted for perjury later.
    Her foundation is corrupt. Loretta met with Bill on the tarmac and played cards.
    All this BEFORE the 600,000.

    It’s gonna get ugly here if this devil gets in.

  10. THE FISH STINKS FROM THE HEAD DOWN! Do you see how corrupt the ENTIRE government is? We need Trump to sanitize the place.

    #3 You’re right or he might have received billions to clear her, just like the wife of that other FBI agent who received, I believe, 1/2 million dollars to shut up.

    #12 Stop your naivete with Mainstream Media Propaganda Liars. Get your head and brains out of the sand and start reading WikiLeaks and YOUR candidate’s emails and you’ll become a bit more intelligent.

  11. With The FBI head’s current employer, and his hopes of retaining the job with his extreme likely next employer, did anyone expect a different conclusion to this investigation?

  12. Can’t wait for all of this to be over, Hillary will win, and all of you smarties will continue to Whine. You can all pretend afterwards that Trump is president. It won’t bother anyone!!

  13. It’s no wonder that the corrupt /inept FBI and Injustice Department go after Mosdos, whether they did buy computers or didn’t buy computers, whether they served whole wheat bread that wasn’t whole grain, etc…, while the Clinton Foundation that put America in serious danger from terrorists, goes Scott free.
    Rubashkin definitely poses a greater threat to American citizens than the Clinton Family.

  14. Well after being on lyin donald’s good list, he’s back on the “rigged” list. The FBI has a software program that scanned the emails to determine any that may be relevant to the investigation. Does anyone follow the news, or do you continue to make up whatever you want like trump?

  15. The cries of “gevalt” from the Trumpkopfs provide a badly needed touch of humor in an all too depressing few weeks of media hype and exchanges of insults between the candidates. I’m sure on Wednesday, most of the same posters above will be spewing the same venim, hatred and moronic conspiracy theories about the “rigged results”, unregistered Martians voting in Willy and BP, etc. Perhaps its time to move on and focus on really important stuff such as how can Trump make money off this fiasco. And to No. 19, many yidden would not agree with you that SMR poses a threat to national security.

  16. Why the rush for Comey to clear the Devil of all charges before election?

    Because now that the monstrous villain has been cleared of all criminal charges, the CORRUPT GOVERNMENT, FBI, CIA, Dept of Justice will be able to “SELECT” her as POTUS without having to impeach her. MARTIAL LAW will go into effect by Tuesday or Wednesday when Hillary the winner will be announced. MARK MY WORDS!

    Remember, several weeks ago WikiLeaks revealed that Trump will not be allowed to win even if he wins with a landslide. According to real news, he should win by about 80% and Hillary by about 24%.

  17. I was just thinking of another reason he cleared her of all charges. The Devil-in-Chief might have threatened to expose all the government officials involved in her pedophile ring and child trafficking and other corruption and criminal activities.

  18. You have to assume the troll posting under the name of Arye is deriving some sick satisfaction seeing the responses to his mindless rants about Clinton’s child-trafficking ring, declaration of Martial law on Wednesday,Trump winning 80% of the vote (with Hillary getting the other 24%???)and other nareshkeit courtesy of the REAL news outlets such as Breitbart, Drudge and Alex Jones. Kol hakovod to the Mods’ efforts to facilitate an open dialogue, without exercising political judgements on the contents.

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