PHOTOS: New Square Endorses Hillary For President


Skver Chassidim are being told to vote for Hillary.

The announcement was made on Friday night after Davening by one of the Gaboyim in the New Square Bais Medrash.

This endorsement is no surprise as President Bill Clinton in his final days in office granted clemency to four Skverer Chassidim after their tiny New York state community voted almost unanimously for Hillary Clinton in the 2000 senatorial race.

The New Square case involved four men convicted in 1999 of bilking the federal government of more than $30 million in federal housing subsidies, small business loans and student grants. The four were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 2 1/2 to 6 1/2 years.

During her Senate campaign, Hillary Clinton, then the first lady, campaigned in New Square. On Election Day, she received 1,400 votes in New Square to 12 for Republican Rick Lazio.

Six weeks after the election, the Skver Rebbe was granted a 45-minute meeting with Bill Clinton at the White House, with the senator-elect sitting in. The Rebbe asked for clemency for the four men, saying they had not used the money for themselves, but for programs in their low-income community.

Clinton reduced the prison sentences to 2 to 2 1/2 years, but did not free the men as community leaders had asked.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan was reported to be furious about the reduction in the sentences. It opened an inquiry into the New Square case.

Hillary Clinton said she played no role in her husband’s New Square decision.

The Clintons’ defenders contended that the New Square case could not be construed as a bribery or criminal case because nothing of monetary value was exchanged. They have said the former president did nothing against the law, citing the broad presidential power to grant pardons.

Eventually, the Justice Department declined to file charges.

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(Charles Gross – YWN)

31 Responses

  1. hahaha so pathetic one isnt allowed to moser on another yid if he is a molester but have no problems voting ppl with same gender marriage outlooks etc this is a double standard n shows once again why we r still in galus

  2. Does anyone else find it ironic that the midrash says in THIS weeks parshah Noah, that one of the main reasons of the mabul was because they legalized gay marriage.
    And we’re doing the same?

  3. Of course they’ll say Hillary. Given how the Clintons are tied in with skver, this isn’t surprising. Be’H when all the Clinton manure hits the fan, this relationship won’t be there.

  4. This post is a oxymoron… let it just read, skver washes its hands with Hillary…
    I mean this should not shock anyone… it’s beyond blatant to see how the 2 chassidic groups ( satmar and skver) who got so much from this lying crook -Clinton, that they tell their ppl it’s hakoras hatov..
    They are no better then her, actually they belong together..
    it’s amazing how far from reality these chassidic rabbis are – no class – just true hand washing hand.
    Skver is a cesspool of corruption over the last 15 years.. it only makes sense that they partner up with the most corrupt family Washington has ever had..
    when eyes are blinded by money nothing else matters, tell your followers it’s ok… now you can understand why corruption is so rampart there.. because they teach their followers to sell their souls for the almighty dollar..
    it will come back to bite them… because in the end crime never pays..
    what’s sad is that they have the opportunity to show the world that truth and honesty is far more important then a few side deals.. they thru that away… for a menorah and side deals .

  5. This is totally insane!!!!!! How can a normal person vote for Hillary???!!? THESE PEOPLE ARE OUT OF THERE MINDS!! TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT ALL THE WAY! Every vote matters!!!! Trump has a soft spot for Jewish people and we need him to be president! The clintons are so corrupt!! YWN HOW CAN YOU POST PRO HILLARY THINGS?

  6. How many pardons would Hillary need to issue to Skverer chasidim to obtain a silver atara for Bill’s talis?

    One gets burned for davening at a different minyan over there, but it is OK to support this toeyva? Feh

  7. It’s a total chillul Hashem for any Chassidus, Rebbe, or fum organization to support any of the two candidates.

    Can’t frum Jews be quiet for once and everyone should decide for themselves which candidate to vote for, if they want to vote at all?

  8. Why? Are there currently more Skver Chassidim sitting in prison for $30,000,000.00 federal crimes that need to be pardoned?

  9. Philosopher,
    it is a chilul Hashem for a chasidisher guy to be incarcerated for fraud. This endorsement is merely the logical outcome.

  10. Crazykanoiy it’s only because of such ignorant ppl like you that she even has a chance of making
    It’s a real embarrassment to society

  11. matzah min es mino v’neeore

    Hillary supports #blacklivesmatters and not #BlackGarbMatters

    yes, it’s OK to commit crimes if you then deliver votes to other criminals to get pardons.

    These chassidim, frum people, are stealing from you and me.

    I’m so proud.

    if you like your gartle, you can keep your gartle.

  12. before anyone criticizes our criticism of these pious souls, let us assume that they want us discussing their valuable endorsement because they went so public with it. after all, chassidim are very good at keeping their actions quite secret when they wish to do so. they’re able to keep outsiders far away and more than at arm’s length.

    you gave to give them the benefit of the doubt. their behavior of paying bribes as a way of doing business goes back to their living under the czar. this is the crucible in which they were formed. because it was hard for them to adopt and adapt to a civil society of law and order, they simply decided to adopt their Eastern European method of operation to our fruited plain.

    it can be extremely diffult to explain civics to those who have the equivalent of a fifth grade secular education, and who probably do not clearly understand either the separation of powers, the difference between state or federal law, or the Constitution. it’s a shame.

    more building and less theft would be a better long term plan. but I’m not as wise nor my beard as long as these survival experts.

    nor do they need to be distracted by what Leftists in charge of the USA will do vis a vis the Land of Israel. not a concern to them. all politics is local. very local when you are waiting for your pardons.

  13. Well, I would Say to Skver that you are Selling your Vote For Pennies on the Dollar, So Cheaply! CLINTON Foundation gets BILLIONS of Dollars from SAUDI Arabia, Lebanon, Bahrain and Qatar! What Has New Square gotten- a few Visits, a Few Years off a couple Convictions?

    But The Real Question is if Skver remembers the Meaning of the Word ALTRUISM: ACTING FOR THE SAKE FOR OTHERS, NOT JUST YOURSELVES. The Frum World is Large, ALL JEWS Need Help with TUITION COSTS. DONALD TRUMP wants to Give SCHOOL VOUCHERS so ALL THE FRUM COMMUNITY Can be HELPED Paying High Tuitions for Large Families! HILLARY DOES NOT!!

    Why Don’t Skver Want to Vote for the Benefit of Everyone? ONLY Skver are Helped by having their own Township, that’s Great, but why not vote for TRUMP so that THE WHOLE FRUM COMMUNITY Can ALSO get Federal dollars for Tuition?

    TRUMP also Wants to Lower Taxes On Businesses and Individuals, so they will have MUCH MORE MONEY TO GIVE TZEDAKAH to YESHIVAS and SHULS and the POOR! That helps Skver AND ALL YIDDEN!


    TRUMP Wants to PREVENT Millions of ILLEGALS flooding in DRAINING OUR WELFARE SYSTEM coffers! That Leaves More Money to Help poor CITIZENS! This helps SKVER and all and ALL YiDDEN!

    PLEASE, Please, GADOL HADOR SKVER REBBE, please rethink Skver Vote, for the sake of Altruism.

  14. I don’t believe this?? When was this picture taken?? Definitely not now, it’s a very old picture! I think you should check out if the Rebbe is really endorsing her before giving out this article! If he’s endorsing her it’s probably because he’s scared she will win;(

  15. if you all are as you claim,people of compassion then you don’t want our Creator to be angry with us. What we cannot help, we cannot help. He will not be angry at religious and moral people if they were not able to stand on the seashore and stop the tide from rolling in. However, if we do not try, then indeed we too may be held accountable

  16. And when they come after us,we wonder?!

    First they came for the …, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a ..

    Then they came for the …, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a …

    Then they came for the … and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a ….

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

  17. “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.”

    “You are a slow learner, Winston.”
    “How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.”
    “Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.”

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