Opinion: Why Every Orthodox Jew Must Vote For Donald Trump

truMost people don’t realize it, but the most pressing issue on the table is the Supreme Court. Look at the makeup of who is sitting on the court – they are all old – very old. It is highly likely that the next president will be appointing four – yes four Supreme Court justices.

This will affect the direction that the nation takes for the next three or four decades. Like it or not – the moral direction in which this nation is going is plummeting rapidly and the very freedoms of our religion which we value so dear are at stake.

Hillary Clinton will appoint the most liberal judges that she can. These judges will make decisions that will affect our Torah values and institutions. Our schools will eventually be forced to do things that are against our conscious. Our shuls, our bakeries, our businesses who we hire. Our very way of life I the United States will undergo drastic restructuring.

Another pressing issue is Yerushalayim. Of both candidates she will be the one who will be pressuring Israel most to make a deal with the Palestinians where East Jerusalem will be at its capital.

Jerusalem is ours and it is quite likely that the likes of Lapid will eventually displace Netanyahu. Imagine, Hillary has achieved a deal that eluded every previous American president, including her husband Bill. What a legacy – the first woman president achieved what no other president has achieved – peace in the middle-east. The problem is that it will be at the expense of Israel. We will lose Har HaBayis. We will lose half of Jerusalem. And we will lose our safety net where we will be unable to respond to a rocket attack from a neighboring Palestinian country just half of a kilometer from Israel’s population centers.

Let us also not forget that she receives advice from Sidney Blumenthal and his self-hating, anti-Semitic son. She has only shelved them for the time being to get the Jewish vote.

True, Donald Trump has had some serious moral failings. There are numerous accusations of impropriety made against him, and they are credible. However those against Bill Clinton are worse and Hillary has tried to destroy these victims.

Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted. This past week alone WikiLeaks revealed that her foundation has received a million dollar donation from Qatar – an ISIS supporting Arab state. Another revelation showed that she collected twenty million dollars for Haiti that has disappeared. She has a record of lying and looks out only for herself. Let’s not forget that when Bill was first elected governor, her $1000 cattle futures investment “magically” turned to $100,000 I less than ten months. Even today she claims that it was her investment abilities that made this happen and she never admitted that it was bribe to keep her husband in the pocket of special interests. They are thieves – plain and simple.

It is clear that any self-respecting orthodox Jew must vote for Donald Trump this Tuesday. This is for reasons of the moral direction of the country, for Israel’s future, and for reasons of trust.

By Mutty Reichler – New York

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. Please translate that into Yiddish with a heavy Hungarian accent and present the write up to Satmar.
    Perhaps it will merit a printing in the next edition of Der Nied….

  2. i wanna vote for clinton therefore college will be free n more stuff free therefore hard working ppl will pay mre stuff for me and i dont have to do anything plus jewish schools get mre funding yayayayay

  3. What does the liberal Ezra Friedlander say? Does he agree. I doubt. What about niederman? I doubt it too. Mutty you are 100% correct. We can’t let her win. JUST SAYING!!!

  4. Like I heard a Rosh Yeshiva say, “You must vote with two hands: the left hand holding your nose, while the right one pulls the lever for Trump!”

    Obviously everybody should follow their own דעת תורה, but I’ve heard these views of the author of this article expressed by different רבנים and ראשי ישיבה.

  5. A vote for Hillary is a vote for the Illuminati and the New World Order. Don’t expect Mainstream Media Propaganda Liars to talk about this.

    People, wake up and see what’s happening in the world. Go online NOW and read up as much as possible about it before they get the devil in.

    #1 Love your sense of humor.

  6. What difference, at this point, does it make?


    I’m sure her maid is a very nice person and well-schooled in the handling of classified material. let’s not discriminate against hillarys maid, whether she was a legal immigrant, illegal alien, or whatever. the important thing is that she was helping Hillary and the all important foundation… which we just learned funded Chelsea’s wedding…

    ah, its all so sweet and charming and nepostic, and nauseating.

    hello? doesn’t anyone care??

  7. This logic is absurd. The Supreme Court has already legalized abortion and same gender marrige. Nothing Trump will do will change that.

    Electing Trump will result in a know nothing hot head running this country. He has stoked racial tensions and created at atmosphere of unwarrented anger Sorry but Jews dont do well historically when a country is told that your lives are horrible and others (such as immigrants, foreigners) are to blame. Trump undermines demicratic institutions such as free elections, the judiciary and the press. Jews dont gain when Democracy fails and Jews will suffer when all vestiges of political correcetness are drowned out by coarsness and racial insensitivity.

    Add to this the fact that Trump would not distance himself from David Duke for a day and a half , had retweeted images from white supremacists and has made racially ugly remarks about Jews to the RJC and in other publuc forums.

    It should be obvious that no ththinking Jew should ever vote Trump.

  8. Again David Duke and a small bunch of skin heads…. as opposed to practically an entire Democrat Party which booed Jerusalem & G-D at the last convention, a party which houses the BDS Jew haters , including self-hating Jews, J Street, Sid Blumenthal yimach shmo , ADL now under Greenblatt. What a tragedy
    if this Obama clone gets in. A liar, perjurer,and pay-for play conniving stench of a politician.
    Another 4 years, and now count 12, for a lawless Executive Branch which destroyed our economy and health care system. An Muslim sympathizer and Arab money grubber of the worst kind.
    Yes, people, come Tuesday, we’ll get what we richly deserve if she gets in.
    No jobs for HS or college grads anymore.. People underemployed and unemployed… What a horror.

  9. Trump has an honest love for the people and has created a movement based on that as the people reciprocate. Racial and ethnic sensitivity has grown to the point where no one can say much and it serves to paralyze freedom of speech, a basic right granted by the US constitution. Trump has inspired people to stand up and be heard, especially white Christian males, who don’t have an NAACP or a feminist movement to back them up and have been consequently targeted with ongoing racism in their own country, which was founded by white European Christians. Trump stands for fairness and opposes oppression toward all groups but most importantly he is Americas last chance for redemption both morally and financially and will delay Gods wrath for the ‘Whore of Babylon’.

  10. i havent read all the comments however one thing is so obvious. Hillary has been involved in various high ranking government positions for the last 30 years. Has she done ANYTHING significant??! She had her chance and blew it!!

  11. No. 11 sounds very scary and convincing. But I’m afraid of Hillary’s closest friend and advisor, that Arab woman, Hula or what ever her name is. Born in the US, she moved with her arab parents back to Saudi Arabia at age two and returned to the US at 18. She headed the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist organizations and Hillary loves her and says she’s like a daughter to her. She’ll surely open mass Syrian immigration and the streets of America will be as dangerous as Germany and England.

    What you said about Jews not doing well in a country that is racist is true, but how are they doing today in France and the rest of Europe?

    Also Obama loves that Hula and wants to get her the presidency in four more years.

    H-ashem yerachem aleinu, whoever it will be.

  12. Trump is the first President to have a plan for African Americans instead of just increasing handouts. He wants to put them to work and by doing so making Ameica Great. Give him a Chance, we gave obumma and what did he do I know increase the deficit by over $

  13. Why Every Orthodox Jew Must Vote For Donald Trump So must every non-religious Jew, and so must every נכרי vote for President Donald Trump.

  14. Does anyone else find it ironic that the midrash says in THIS weeks parshah Noah, that one of the main reasons of the mabul was because they legalized gay marriage.
    And we’re doing the same?

  15. unfortunately, those “mosdos” that cheat the government with undeserving monies from from government programs, lie and cheat on their taxes, are probably voting for hill the crook. It fits their persona. Hashem yerachem on amo

  16. I’m voting Trump.
    Why? 2 words: Supreme Court.
    If it ticks off Ezra Friedlander and the guy who makes Ami Magazine’s stupid quotes column, that’s merely a bonus.

  17. That was not a smart article ywn. I happened to not be refistered to vote but you guys deff.. just lost a huge fallowing to your site. What about all the rabbis that advised yiddin to vote for trump?? Which is most of them.

  18. Ferd,
    The masses who bought his chazzer are frustrated and angry with the Republicans who sold out and kowtowed to a Kenyan born, Chicago community organizer who hates white America and spits on our Constitution.
    I had other 12 primary candidates in mind but he won. So, he’s my chazzer fissel.
    This “demented” person made billions on his own. The other shtick neveilah never made an honest dime.
    Lock that smug lying perp up !!!!!!!!
    If she drops dead in office, just think about Kaine , that Palestinian-loving chaya ponim…

  19. Every Orthodox Jew must vote for the candidate of his or her choice, not for someone they are told it is their duty to vote for.

  20. Kol Koreh on behalf of the Moetzes Gedilei HaTorah etc.

    Due to the ongoing situation, there is a need to temporarily be mishane the chutz la’aretz minhag and adapt the minhag Eretz Yisroel as soon as tonight, 6 MarCheshvan.

    Tonight, in maariv, davening in birchas hashonim should begin “sein tal umattar” in addition to Mashiv haRooach uMoreed haGeshem.

    This Kol koreh is especially true for people living in the united states, and especially in certain states designated by the experts as something called “sving states” due to the need for rain this week, imirtzaShem Tuesday.

    May our tefillos be answered.

    #vHaMayveen yaVeen

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