Black Vote For Trump Is Double 2012

trDonald Trump is on track to double Gov. Mitt Romney’s support among African-American voters, according to a series of state polls.

In 2012, African-Americans comprised a record 13 percent of all voters. President Barack Obama was reelected with 93 percent of the African-American vote, leaving Gov. Mitt Romney with only 6 percent of the African-American vote. Obama is now campaigning against Trump, and hoping to keep his share of the African-American vote below the 11 percent that George W. Bush won in 2004 during the housing bubble.

On Friday, a poll of 506 Pennsylvania voters by Harper Polling showed Trump has the support of 18.46 percent of African-Americans. That’s 12.5 points more than Romney’s share of the national vote in 2012, and if it proves true during the ballot, that 18.46 percent African-American support translates into 2 point shift towards Trump. The poll also said another 4.6 percent were undecided.

In next-door Michigan, two nights of a tracking poll conducted for Fox 2 of 1,150 likely voters showed Trump with 14 percent support and 19 percent support, leaving Clinton with 83 percent and 79 percent support. That’s equivalent to a two-point shift from Clinton to Trump in the state.

Trump is gaining in Michigan partly because many African-American voters — especially younger voters who backed Sen. Bernie Saunders — distrust Clinton, said Wayne Bradley, state director of African-American engagement for the Michigan Republican Party.


11 Responses

  1. No way in the world that this is true this poll is from a no name company that has no standing in the mainstream media

  2. I feel bad for all ywn readers who gave been mislead when they have their realty check wendsday morning after Hillary wins. Iyh

  3. I have asked black people where do they think they would be if they did a fraction of what Hillary has done and they answered in jail so I asked them why would you vote for Her

  4. Black voters were going in the 80-90% range for Democrats prior to Obama (at least during the late 20th century). Obama was a novelty that increased that. The real change would be for a Republican to get somethng like 40-60% of the Black vote, which was the norm in the mid-20th century. Unless they have the first black president at the top of the ticket, the Democrats were naive to expect to routinely get 95% of the Black vote forever and always.

  5. What has the democrat party done for blacks? Look at Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore….? Why would people continue to vote for those who have done nothing for their communities except to the negative? Are blacks, especially when some of these cities have been run EXCLUSIVELY by democrats for generations, better off in ANY of these cities? Let us hope that they (and everyone) vote for institutional change!

  6. Just how many Afro-Americans were able to get college degrees or gainful employment in the 8 years of Obama’s rule? How many found better housing and moved away from their slums? The only “benefit” they derived from his presidency was early release from well-deserved prisons for black drug dealers and pimps, who continue to perpetuate their communities’ squalor and crime statistics. It was all talk.
    Why then should they listen to his opinion regarding who should follow him in the office, and who will merely continue to promise what is never intended for delivery?
    Unless, of course, they Hope for some small Change, added to their entitlement handouts.

  7. blacks have every reason in the world to trust a Clinton. it was wjc who famously intoned about Barack Obama: “crazy… a few years ago this guy would be serving us drinks”.

    leftists are the real racists.

  8. Blacks are not so happy about the release from Prison of the people obumma pardon to put more drugs back on the strrets. obumma has done nothing for the blacks except put more of them in poverty. Look at the city the democrats control like Chicago where the murder rate is almost 600 this year. More people have been killed in Chicago than in the years in Iraq and Afghanistan.Detroit is another hell hole. Where the democrats go nothing grows. Look at what they did to West Virginia

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