Opinion: The A to Z ‘Bumps’ – Why I – An Ohio Republican Frum Jew – Will Never Vote For Trump!

tr[By: B.A. Mentch]

A Accusations. Trump makes the most ridiculous accusations, at times even taking his information from photo-shopped pictures of tabloid magazines.

B Birther movement. Trump is proud to say that he (or Hillary) “started” the birther movement. He also made a big announcement that he has “ended” the birther movement. What a waste of time with it; better yet, what a waste of an election for us with his declaration of his candidacy until (and beyond) perhaps Hillary’s victory.

C Conceding. Trump “might” concede the election to Hillary – but we will just have to wait and see.

D Democrat. Trump was a Democrat for years and only switched to try to get more fame.


F Fame. Trump was deeply disappointed and saddened when Time Magazine chose Angela Merkel, and not him, as Person of the Year.

G “Great”. Trump pledges to make America great again. I fully believe Donald will make America great again for himself, his family, his business acquaintances, and to the entire Trump brand . . . if he gets elected.

H Hoax. Trump (University) is one big hoax. He is a smart man who understands the poor and he knows how to milk money out of them.

I Immoral

J Juvenile. He cries like a baby (& threatens to sue) when he loses.

K Kennedy Assassination. Trump accused Ted Cruz’s father of being involved in the JFK assassination. Trump gets his distorted information from the tabloids. He knows it’s fiction but he acts as if it is true.

L Liar. It has been reported that Trump lies approximately every 5 minutes he speaks in public. (Even Hillary has a hard time keeping up with him on that regard!)

M Mussolini. Trump emulates the evil dictator Mussolini.

N Non-disclosure documents. Trump makes everyone he does business with sign a non-disclosure document. This way all his clients, workers and everyone else he interacts with won’t share with everyone how corrupt, and difficult of a person he is. If elected, Trump plans on doing the same in the White House.

O Obama. Trump’s rhetoric strongly resembles Obama’s way of ignoring Congress and the Constitution.

P Primaries. Only Trump calls for changing the rules of the primary every time he loses a primary!

Q Quick. Trump, when annoyed, fires back quickly without thinking things over. He is quick to pull the trigger. If he is president I fear that his actions may lead to another World War.

R Rigged. Elections are only “rigged” when Trump loses!

S Freedom of Speech. Trump is all for Freedom of Speech, as long as it is not against him!

T Tax Returns. Trump won’t provide the tax returns because he doesn’t pay taxes. “I know how to beat the broken system so I’ll know how to fix it”?! That’s what was speculated and has now been proven.

U Unpredictable. If you think that Trump is the smartest man in the world – good; if not, then you should not and cannot rely on him to govern with conservative principals – gun rights, right to life, controlled spending, etc.

V Violence. Trump is the only candidate since the Civil Rights Movement who has called for violence against his opponents.

W WMD. He accused President Bush of lying to Congress about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

X Trump has two Ex-wives. Not only does he not get along with ordinary people; apparently, he does not get along with his family as well.

Y Yeltzin. Just as Boris Yeltzin loves (the very dangerous) Vladimir Putin, so does Trump. Trump will blindly allow Putin to become the leader of the world!

Z Zer0. This is how much trust I have in Donald Trump in his (lack of) knowledge of world history and NATO; in his promises of building a wall; in his wishy washy positions on deportation of illegal immigrants; in his “outsider status”, in his respect of religion, and to parallel his own words! The one thing I do trust him on is his abuse of power!

In conclusion:

I will not vote for someone – who in my opinion:
• is corrupt
• is a pathological liar
• abuses his/her power

I therefore feel that my only choice is a write-in candidate.

The author of this article may be contacted as: [email protected]

32 Responses

  1. If your point is that you WILL vote for CROOKED HILLARY then you have lost your mind. Nobody will suggest that Donald is the candidate of choice for the GOP but definitely the better of the 2 evils.

  2. So tell us genius, who is your “write-in” candidate? Enlighten us please. I’m so curious as to who is so pure that they reach your lofty levels.

  3. What a well written article. I always new yidden were so intelligent and could express themselves so eloquently. Clearly, only the most brilliant mind could possibly be behind this amazing article.

  4. By not voting for 1 of the 2 major candidates you are allowing other “smart american voters” to choose your next president. So how smart is that?

  5. By not voting for 1 of the 2 major candidates you are allowing other “smart american voters” to choose your next president. So how smart is that?

  6. Your conclusions apply equally to Hillary. I’m no Trump fan. I did vote for him so that this horrendous plunge into socialism can be brought to an end. Hillary is an evil, corrupt money hungry lowlife. She’d complete the destruction of the constitutional republic began by Obama. If that’s what you want, write in your choice. In essence, it’s a vote for Hillary.

  7. Vote for a third-party candidate who is on the ballot. Sure, the person you voted for won’t win, and others will elect the president, but what’s the point in voting for someone you hate anyway?

  8. This article is sad…Clinton is a pure criminal…and has a crime family cartel. How you can defend that is illogical. Trump might be rude and annoying but not a criminal.


  10. Please stop posting these redicules articles. every frum person should vote for trump and if you don’t want to vote for him than don’t vote at all.

  11. Hashem pls make all these blinded idiots realize that trump is better than Hillary. Besides for anything she will be indicted put behind bars and then her vp who is a looser just like her will be in charge? Are u for real? If u vote Hillary u don’t care about the Jews safety here or Israel. U got caught up with Hillary… Hashem should give u all a refua shelema

  12. thank you so much for this article. I appreciated the acrostic and wish you would have included some gematria as well.

    this article definitely contributes to the broader intellectual policy and legal issues surrounding the election.

    thank you so much for this intellectual discourse and contribution to our conversation.

    you had better get back to class quickly; I think I hear the recess bell and we wouldn’t want you to get in trouble with your moreh.

  13. I am concerned how many people are falling for the fallacy that a vote for Trump means you think Trump is a swell guy.Who on earth made that dictum up??I cast my vote for Trump,because I want the Republicans to control the seat of the Presidency,not because I approve of Trump.If we want the USA to be a bit more moral,and fight the terrorists,one has to vote for Trump.And really,how many among us really think that Trump will spend all his time playing President??!!Trump will let his advisers be the power,and since Gingrich and Giuliani are his friends-let them be in control!!But to help Clinton that will drag the USA more down is totally inexcusable.

  14. Trump is unfit for president. He is a lowlife and a narcissist. He is a danger to America.

    Trump supporters foolishly ignore his inability to immediately condemn David Duke, his anti-semetic off color jokes to the Republican Jewish Coaltion, his comments about little people with Yarmulkas counting money and his retweeting of neo-Nazi/alt right tweets.

    It is now clear that he also chooses to surround himself with corrupt career politicians like Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani.

    It is becoming clearer by the day that Christie committed crimes yet Trump has tapped him to his transition team.

    Rudy has basically admitted to breaking the law and will hopefully be prosecuted for his actions.

  15. I’m totally confused. You are all right!! So where do we go from here?
    A total meshugana mad man, never before in politics, Vs a criminal with lot’s of experience.
    Who is going to deal with Iran? With Russia? With Israel? With Isis? Etc.
    Oy HaShem PLEASE help.

  16. Voting for Trump is saying that frum Jews don’t mind a menuval of the highest degree and would actively select him.

    Frum votes for Trump doesn’t help the republicans, the vast majority of Jews live in states where their vote makes not one iota of difference to the result for that state.

    Go in and vote, just to show everyone that Jews vote, but spoil your vote or vote for the minor crazy parties. That will show to some small extent that people couldn’t accept disgusting people president. Just don’t vote for Trump (or Clinton) or you’re showing Jews have no moral fibre.

  17. This person is NOT a Republican, he’s possibly not frum, and zicher NOT a mentch! He’s not any different than his loooooser Governor.

    If you DON’T want Hillary, and I can’t imagine why anyone would, there is NO choice other than voting for Trump. Voting for anyone else or even writing in Mickey Mouse, is in effect a Hillary vote.

    B. YES, THE BIRTH LOCATION OF HUSSAIN O WAS PERPETRATED BY THE HILLARY 2008 CAMPAIGN. Even if Trump did it, the story was dead for years till Hillary mentioned it again this year so Trump had to make a fool out of people with the press conference.

    Ç. Why should he have answered that question? The Democrats didn’t concede for almost two months in 2000 or in 2004 either. With all the democrat voter fraud, why should he concede right away. BH it looks more and more like that’s a moot point!

    D. SO WHAT? He didn’t switch for more fame. If you listen to interviews all his life, he does have some degree of leaning right. Over the last three years or more that right part of him has come out even more.

    I’d go on but Mr Ohio is a waste of time. BH it looks more and more like the people in Ohio are using their brains and vote Trump.

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