Rabbi David Niederman Endorses Hillary Clinton In Open Letter To Community

nieDear our Jewish brethren,

The upcoming Tuesday will be held the national elections, when the United States will – Go-d willing – select who will lead the country for the coming four years. Although the vast majority of us reside in states where outcome is certain, it’s important that we should turn out a large number of votes for:

Secretary Hillary Clinton For President.

Throughout the years that Secretary Clinton served as New York’s Senator, and then as Secretary of State, she was sympathetic to the needs of the Haredi Community. When we needed assistance with refugees – to assist Jews from Iran and Yemen to emigrate to the free world – and when we needed urgent assistance with immigration issues, she was very helpful.

The prior administration expanded the rights of religious Jews in prisons, as with zoning, housing and other issues, and was very understanding of our needs. Jewish prisoners, as well as Jews suffering from discrimination with housing and other areas, still benefits greatly from that law. Orthodox Jews benefitted tremendously from the Clintons’ sympathy to our interests, and we have to show our appreciation, by demonstrating that we recognized that and we are thankful for it, by coming out and vote for Secretary Clinton on Tuesday.

Since 1989 Rabbi David Niederman has served as Executive Director and President of the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, Inc. (UJO), the central planning and social service agency for more than 200 organizations in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Under Rabbi Niederman’s leadership, UJO provides a wide array of services including information and referral to legal assistance, environmental and health consultation, housing, planning and development, and job training. He also serves on various governmental boards in the City of New York.

NOTE: Rabbi Niederman told YWN that this endorsement are his, and he is not speaking on behalf of any organization.

About Rabbi David Niederman:

Since 1989 Rabbi David Niederman has served as Executive Director and President of the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, Inc. (UJO), the central planning and social service agency for more than 200 organizations in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Under Rabbi Niederman’s leadership, UJO provides a wide array of services including information and referral to legal assistance, environmental and health consultation, housing, planning and development, and job training. He also serves on various governmental boards in the City of New York.

Rabbi Niederman has been the Executive Vice President of the Rav Tov International Jewish Rescue Organization (Rav Tov) since its founding in 1973 at the behest of the former Grand Rabbi of Satmar, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, of blessed memory. Rabbi Teitelbaum envisioned Rav Tov as the protective shield for the global Jewish community living in tyrannical regimes and has established five offices overseas. Rabbi Niederman has since worked to ensure the safety and resettlement of Jews in danger around the world, continues his work in refugee resettlement and maintains close working relationships with foreign leaders, diplomats and agencies. Additionally, he serves as the Special Representative of the Central Rabbinical Congress of the United States and Canada, which was founded in 1952 to coordinate the efforts of over 250 rabbis from eastern European countries, survivors of WWII, who lead major Ultra-Orthodox Chassidic groups.

Rabbi Niederman also leads delegations of Rabbis from around the world to prevent the desecration of Jewish cemeteries and safeguard Jewish heritage sites in Europe. Closer to home, Rabbi Niederman strives to protect the religious rights of federal prisoners and attempts to deter criminal activity through educational programs in the Jewish community about the human costs of crime.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

29 Responses

  1. Instead of housing and food stamps ask for lower taxes and school choice…..bug I guess you are paid off off by Clinton Inc

  2. It’s amazing how this guy always pulls out the “Hakaras hatov” card before every election, be it local or national. It’s amazing how this Tzaddik only has hakaras hatov to ultra left wing militant toeiva Liberals! He never has hakaras hatov to righteous upstanding moral G-d fearing Conservative Republicans who actually respect what it says in our holy Torah. Apparently this man knows better than Rav Avigdor Miller ZT”L and the Satmar Rebbe ZT”L. Pheh!

  3. Obviously a person may vote for whomever they wish, but are you denying that Hillary assisted with the issues that Rabbi Niederman lists? He believes pidyon shvuyim is a decisive issue, others may disagree. Why do some feel the need to berate those they disagree with? Lo zu haderech rabbosai.

  4. How someone who claims to be G-d fearing can endorse a candidate who believes in partial birth abortion is beyond me! She supports the murder of infants. This is ignoring the fact that she is the most corrupt political alive

  5. Unlike the liberal left which identifies with her world view, these guys identify with her selling out for $$$.

    They always spit at the Israeli flag while waving the US flag, and talk about how much they love the US. But here we see they couldn’t care less for America – it’s all about their $$$.

  6. I disagree categorically with Rabbi Niederman’s position here. I believe he is both wrong and dangerous. With all the doubts there are about Trump, it is beyond definite and clear that Hillary is a threat to democracy, the economy, taxes, Israel, and the very integrity of the government.

    I oppose, in the strongest way possible, the notion that anyone should cast a vote with any thread of “hakoras hatov”. Simple. A vote is about the future, not the past. For those who are busy with “The past is the best predictor of the future”, there is a fundamental retort. Hillary y”sh never, ever did anything positive for the Jewish community without a reward. The Skver pardons were all about votes, completely selfish. She is not about doing good for others, only herself. Her narcissism is pathological, and this crooked value system should never occupy positions of authority, power, or respect. The future for her is ominous, and I have a responsibility to myself and my community to vote against her at all costs. Rabbi Niederman, who is otherwise a wonderful askan who is so giving to the community is so wrong on this. I hope his advice is not heeded.

  7. Popper- youre right! the horse is out of the barn, the frum system will never reset! too many dependent on too many programs for too long. Only Hillary will perpetuate it. so most have no choice. (even if Rush, Hannity, Savage , and Levin are all sooooo right!)

  8. To #1 and #2

    maybe this is the reason why you are not the president of 200 organizations and he is. Because he is a big talmud chochom i know him personally. For almost 30 years he was and is involved with public officials like a number of presidents of USA and from other countries. His word has more value the yours by about 100,000 jews because he talks to rabumin and daiyonim etc every day.

  9. “maybe this is the reason why you are not the president of 200 organizations and he is. Because he is a big talmud chochom….”

    shochad makes one krum

  10. Does he take Am Yisroel for a bunch of blind fools???

    Contrary to some people’s (yes, even a president of 200 organizations, and a big talmud chocho) belief, the Jewish nation is made of other stuff. An enlightened nation. An intelligent nation. A nation with high standards, sublime ideals. A nation all others look up to (whether you like it or not, whether you realize it or not).

    NO!! We don’t sell ourselves cheap. We’re unfortunately down to the bottom (of the bottom) of the barrel. But she – she, and all she stands for, and all she associates herself with is most depraved, base, evil, vile, corrupt. Cunning, deceptive lying is her essence, it her being. She cannot and does not know how to be straight, upright.

    We as an Am Kadosh, as HaSehem’s representatives here on this world, as an enlightened nation, we cannot and will not stoop so low. Notwithstanding how many carrots she extended to anyone.

  11. It is such a Hilul HaShem. He is giving ammunition to the antisemytes all over the world that Jews will sell their believes for $$$.

  12. Good bye Rabbi Niederman. Anyone going against Trump falls. It’s min hashomayim and you have been warned. The fall comes from an area that there is no doubt that it is min hashomayim.

    What a shame, Niederman does not have the COURAGE to stand up to the truth because of reasons that he thinks is leToives yidden.
    [By the way], Dov H can also prepare to retire.

  13. Since he endorses her, he won’t have to contribute to the Clinton Foundation to get the govt to help his choshuveh organization. A worthy endeavor, but if the president would take less tax money from yidden, like Trump, there’d be more tzedokah dollars to go around.

  14. How dare he call us Jewish Brethren and then post this garbage. If c”v she is elected the good rav will have a hand in all the damage that may follow c’v

  15. Satmar went to the holy manhattan a while ago for a demonstration against Mr. netanyahu (at the U.N.). Maybe we should have הכרת הטוב to Hashem and not go to manhattan for such a silly reason like a demonstration. Which option is better:
    A. Go to a Bais Medrash and study.
    B. Go to manhattan for 1 hour maybe 2 and look at all the different people that hang out there.

  16. A vote for Hillary is a sakana nefashos mamush. She has boasted of her plan to bring in tens of thousands of (impossible to properly vet) Muslim refugees from the Middle East. This will introduce a massive number of Jew-haters into American society AND, if even a small percentage of these “refugees” are jihadi extremists, it will put Jewish lives in terrible danger.

    If there is a stateside attack (chas v’Shalom) on a kosher supermarket (as in Paris) or a Jewish school (as in Toulouse), how will Rabbi Niederman respond? “Ooops?” We know how Hillary will respond…like the despicable Obama who belittled the Hyper Cacher massacre as a “random shoot[ing] of a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.” Thanks, but NO thanks Rabbi Niederman, for your dangerously naive opinion.

  17. I suppose, much like when Clinton was running for the Senate, there are a number of PARDONS for which this ‘rabbi’ is waiting from the current corrupt and (rachmana litzlan) Hillary…

    The precedent is there. Lie, cheat, and steal. If you are caught, you back the candidates who are EQUALLY CORRUPT who will issue your “frum” friends the pardons that they need.

    Quid pro vote.

    Transparent to all of us.

  18. Does he think we are all stupid? There are 2 reasons why he said this:
    1. All the backhanders & perks that go to him & Satmar are definitely worth a bloc vote. His opinions only – sure they are. He won’t breathe without haskama from the Satmar Rebbe.
    2. Clinton hates Jews & Israel, & since the enemy of my enemy is my friend, they would rather elect her than save one Israeli. During the 2012 election, the Satmar teachers in the school told me very bluntly that they were voting for Obama because “he hates Israel and so do we.” Yes it IS a direct quote.

    I very calmly told them when Iran sets off its bomb R”L, their anti-Israel relatives in Meah Shearim will be just as dead as the chilonim IDF. That same teacher (how is she allowed in front of a classroom??) said “I never thought of it like that.”

    Brainwashed zombies. And THAT is why they will vote for the witch.

  19. Concerned about hakaras hatov buy her a wrapped chocolate as a gift, bieng elected as a leader of the USA is not about deserving it’s is he/she qualified or not, would you hire someone that’s a lier and corrupt and did you a favor as a senior manager in your company yes or no?

  20. I am always amazed how a group that constantly preaches “loi sisgoireeree b’eemois” only applies their own philosophy to Eretz Yisroel, and make all possible noise elsewhere.
    Whether it’s in Williamsburg, Monroe, the UN, the US elections, or shlepping a parallel “grand rabbi” to goyishe court, this crowd always has a good answer and a proper (financial) reason. Only the Yidden living in Eretz Yisroel must be quiet and respectful of other nations, including Iran and all their loving neighbors.
    Niederman, kishmoi ken hu. How appropriate.

  21. The apoplectic posters here seem, in their anger, to be ignoring some critical facts:

    1) Since Monroe and Williamsburg are both in New York State, this endorsement will only affect New York State voters.

    2) Hillary is almost certain to carry NYS regardless of how Satmar votes.

    3) There is still, unfortunately, a very good chance that Hillary will win the election.

    4) It is critical that the Jewish community retain a good relationship with any candidate that has a chance of winning.

    Considered in light of those facts Rabbi Niederman’s endorsement is sensible and, if Hillary does win, may very well have a positive impact not only for Satmar but for the Jewish community at large.

  22. I cant beleive a frum person like you would vote for a Liar. She will be the worse President and her Vice President is even worse. Please reconsider your endorcement

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