Neurolinks Changes Lives Of Struggling Students: Levi’s Story


“We knew that Levi was a smart child, he just seemed to have a lazy brain” said Levi’s father. “He struggled in the classroom, with his peers, and at home. We had tried every therapy and tutor, we were at a loss. Then we discovered Neurolinks and our lives changed forever!”

What is Neurolinks? It is a nationally-acclaimed Physio-Neuro Therapy program that recognizes that most students’ struggles stem from inefficient brain processing, otherwise known as Processing Disorders. Neurolinks was first introduced to the educational world in 1988 to assist those children and adults who battle ADHD, dyslexia, lack of focus and generally performed poorly academically, behaviorally, and socially – all problems associated with Processing Disorders.

How did Neurolinks help Levi? These comprehensive one-on- one sessions helped cure Levi’s issues by treating his specific needs, combining mental and physical exercises to strengthen his cognitive skills and the underperforming areas of his brain. Once Levi had mastered one exercise, he was ready to move onto the next one. These exercises engaged both his body and mind, strengthening the weak areas of his brain and increasing his brain’s capacity to learn. After six months in the program, Levi was reading, spelling and up-to- par in math; plus, he was doing extremely well socially and his behavior improved tenfold.

How can one program help so many issues? Most students who struggle generally have problems with more than one brain process. Physio-Neuro Therapy works on multiple brain processing problems at once. This means that most issues can be addressed through the same program. Neurolinks goes past the band-aid solutions to cure the underlying issues, with permanent results. In fact, in 93 percent of cases students do not require any additional tutoring once they’ve completed the Neurolinks program.

Where is Neurolinks located? Trained professionals are currently serving the tri-state area, Toronto, and Israel. The program aims to reach and assist as many families as possible, with the belief that every child deserves to reach their potential and achieve – some just need a little more assistance than others.

Don’t give up on your child, make the call today!

For more information please visit

To book at evaluation please call:

Brooklyn: 718-422- 7905

Lakewood/Toronto: 732-664- 2024

Israel: 718-422- 0401

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