Eichler Explains Why There Are No Women In Agudas Yisrael Lineup

1The High Court of Justice has called on the Agudas Yisrael party to explains within two-and-a-half months why there are no women on the party’s lineup.

For MK Yisrael Eichler, he questions why the justices of the nation’s High Court are not reelected on election day when the nation votes for Knesset. Eichler feels if the justices on the nation’s highest court wish to set regulations and limitations for parties running for Knesset, one must ask why citizens are not given the right to decide the limitations of the court. “Why not bring in millions of voters to the process of selecting justices” questions Eichler.

Eichler explains that the courts cannot prevent Arabs from organizing an Arab party and the same holds true for chareidim and any other sector. He adds that even if there was no Jewish state, the chareidim are permitted to have their party as it was in Poland, Lithuania, and other places. He cites that in the Middle East, there are leaders who try to dictate the makeup of lists for parliament.

Eichler stresses that any effort to disqualify the Moetzas Gedolei Torah from deciding on the party list is an affront to democracy and chareidi citizens alike. He stresses the chareidim have the right to live in Eretz Yisrael as Jews and no ruler can change this or compel an unwanted lifestyle upon the frum tzibur.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Officially, the MK’s of Agudah and Degel are only representatives of the gedolim, so it shouldn’t really matter who the representatives actually are.

  2. Should frum women have the right to vote? Rav Kook held no, as it is an affront to tznius. Can frum women go to work? If the answer is yes, then what difference is it for a woman to work as a corporate executive or as a parliamentarian?

    Indeed, a frum woman from Boro Park just became a judge.

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