Flatbush Shabbos Of Inspiration: Who Are You Bringing?

shabbos_of_inspiration_flyer_2_11x17-2[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

Started in South Africa, the Shabbos Project is a once a year initiative to unite Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations for Shabbos. Project Inspire, a program of Aish HaTorah, is a grassroots organization whose mission is to awaken and empower the Torah observant community to reach out to their fellow Jews. This year, Project Inspire is arranging an unforgettable Shabbos of Inspiration, shaking Flatbush at its foundation and inspiring them to reach out to the less-affiliated Jews all around them. Join us for an unforgettable Shabbos with inspiration from HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlita, Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky, Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein, Rabbi Yaakov Salomon, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Rabbi Daniel Mechanic, Rabbi Steve Burg, Mrs. Yael Kaisman, and musical davening and live havdalah concert with Yehuda Green and Shloime Dachs.

In 2014, The Shabbos Project went worldwide in over 470 cities across the globe and it’s only growing stronger. Specifically in the New York area, the Shabbos Project reached an unprecedented momentum with hundreds of less-affiliated Jews spending Shabbos with frum kehillos. This year, over a million Jews are joining together to make Shabbos Parshas Parshas Lech Lecha (November 11th-12th) a Shabbos to remember.

This Shabbos Project, become part of a movement that has the power of changing Klal Yisroel now, and for generations to come. For more information, call 646-291-6191, email [email protected], or go to projectinspire.com.

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