Clinton’s Unfavorable Rating Hits New High In Poll

hilSixty percent of voters view Hillary Clinton unfavorably, according to a ABC News/Washington Post poll released Monday morning, the highest level of unpopularity yet for the Democratic presidential nominee.

Her Republican opponent Donald Trump is seen unfavorably by essentially as many, 58%. Overall, the race for president is heading down to the wire, with the poll showing Clinton leading Trump among likely voters by just one point, 46% to 45%. The poll was taken Wednesday through Saturday.

Using the last two nights’ results, after FBI Director James Comey revealed a further Clinton-related email investigation, 47% of the Democratic nominee’s supporters said they were very enthusiastic about her, compared with 51% across the previous six nights.


One Response

  1. Her low was much before the email scandal. The average person had already seen through her right from the start. The surprise is only for the ostriches who trusted mainstream media propaganda blindly – and some are still hallucinating.

    While I’m not a big fan of Trump I would still vote for him because he’s the only choice. If he’d rinse his mouth with kosher soap daily, he’d probably get 99% of the votes (except of course from rt, huju, TheLogicalOne, and the likes).

    Hillary, on the other hand, is too crooked, rotten (as her namesake) and evil for any sane person to vote for. Seriously. The question remains why she’s still a candidate with so much corruption, illegal and fraudulent activities instead of behind bars? Are the blood of the Clintons with blood on their hands redder than anyone else’s?

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