Fox News: Abedin-Weiner Electronic Device Was Laptop, Had ‘TENS-OF-THOUSANDS’ Of Emails

hilThe electronic device shared by Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin and husband Anthony Weiner on which the FBI found more Clinton emails was a laptop and it contained tens-of-thousands of emails, a senior law enforcement official told Fox News on Saturday.

The FBI announced Friday that it had restarted an investigation into emails Clinton sent on a private server system while secretary of state, as a result of a probe into Abedin’s husband, disgraced New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner, sending electronic messages, to a teenage girl.

The law enforcement official told Fox News that the laptop had “five digits” of emails, meaning tens-of-thousands of them. However, federal investigators remain unclear whether Abedin or Weiner own the laptop.

The FBI conducted a roughly two-year investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server system, finding several emails marked as classified and concluding that she had been “extremely careless.” However, the agency did not find evidence that Clinton had been criminally negligent and did not recommend criminal charges to the Justice Department.

People familiar with the case say the FBI started looking at the new cache of emails because the agency thought they were “pertinent to the investigation.”

The source also told Fox News that law enforcement officials think it’s highly unlikely that all of the new-found emails are duplicates, as the Clinton campaign has suggested.

(Source: Fox News)

7 Responses

  1. they’ll offer weiner (partial)immunity to testify against huma & “hillarious”.
    he’ll grab it in a heartbeat and sing gevald!

  2. Is MSMP doing tshuva? Are the ostriches in America finally waking up?

    BUT does anyone for a moment believe Comey would suddenly do an honest investigation and indict her when
    a) his office destroyed all the previous evidence?
    b) he received millions of dollars from the Clinton Foundation?
    c) his brother does Clinton’s tax returns?
    d) he’s not ready to be the next in line on Clinton’s Body Count and needs to watch his skin?
    e) the corrupt justice department who has known about her illegal activities and emails is trying hard to protect her?
    and lastly
    f) he does not even have a warrant to review the case?

    The timing smells very fishy.
    Comey should suddenly now 10 days before election reopen the case? Please! Give me a break. The FBI is one piece of corruption, a bunch of lawless crooks and Comey is part of it. He’s reopening the case either
    a) because he’s jealous of the 1/2 million dollars the wife of an FBI agent received to shut up.
    b) in order to announce that it’ll take too long and elections will have to be postponed to allow Obama to remain in office and continue destroying America since the elections would not “be fair” until the Democrats have another candidate.
    c) to get everyone focused only on this corruption and make the public forget about the scandal-ridden Hillary, her health issues, her illegal activities, her lies, theft, murder, money laundering, millions of dollars in bribe, voter fraud, the rigged machines, stuffed ballots and other WikiLeaks stuff, and then, a few days before election, will give the all clear.
    d) to give his benefactors, Hillary and her husband, the opportunity to flee to Saudi Arabia with Huma Abedin.
    Likely all of the above.

  3. So Hillary stored a copy of her 33,000 deleted correspondence on Huma’s computer obviously for future reference as there are details she might forget as time goes by.

    But who’s Huma Abedin that has access to classified and top secret government information? And how is she linked between the Clintons and Saudi terrorism?

    Huma Abedin is the Vice Chairwoman of Hillary, the right-hand woman. She is a Muslim, born in the US but from 2 years old her family moved to Saudi Arabia and as a teenager she came back to the US to study.
    Huma worked in her family business of Muslim affairs which is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization that promotes Islam violence and funded Al Qaeda and Bin Laden terrorists and was behind the 9/11 terrorist attack.
    Her mother and brother is a leading member and activist of this terrorist organization. Hillary Clinton had met her mother many times!!! The Clinton Foundation received over 25 million dollars from them and they funded 20% of her election campaign. Hillary is working with this radical organization whose goal is a complete destruction of America!!!

    As the saying goes: Show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.

    And the same goes for those voting for this corrupt evil witch.

  4. Why for any reason would the emails be on weiners computer. On huma ‘s computer is a problem already but this is treason.Clinton should no way be allowed any security that has to deal with the US. For money she would sell it.

  5. aryeh your posts are getting better and better!
    i think pushing off the elections is probably the only unreasonable thing you got there.

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