Putin Rejects Claims of Russian Interference in US Election

putPresident Vladimir Putin says the claims of Russia’s interference in the U.S. presidential election are designed to distract public attention from real issues.

The United States has accused Russia of coordinating the hacks of Hillary Clinton’s campaign emails to influence the outcome of the election.

Speaking Thursday to international foreign policy experts in Sochi, Putin dismissed “the hysteria about Russia’s influence on the U.S. presidential election.”

He argued that U.S. elites have used the “mythical and fictitious” issue to distract attention from real problems such as government debt and police violence.

Putin disputed that the U.S. is “some kind of ‘banana republic'” that could be susceptible to Russia’s influence, calling America “a great power.”

He also said it’s equally “ridiculous” to allege that Russia has aggressive military intentions.


One Response

  1. Obama/Clinton seeing that Trump is way ahead in the polls have the perfect opportunity to start WWIII against Russia still BEFORE the elections and blaming it all on Russia’s meddling in the elections even though Putin denied it firmly.

    Whatever it is, the US is preparing for WWIII within days – believe it or not. As I mentioned earlier, why would Hillary purchase millions of dollars worth of ammunition to be delivered to the US in the middle of November??? The answer is, Hillary “knows” she will illegally be “SELECTED” even though she will lose the elections. Her first task will be to throw Assad off – which means imminent war with Russia / Syria / China /Iran (that is if WWIII would not start before the elections so that Trump will not be elected and Obama will stay on). MSMPN will not report this but get ready.
    Don’t believe me? Do some research out of the box.

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