Clinton Says She Can’t Recall Key Details About Email Server

hilHillary Clinton said under oath in a court filing Thursday that she can’t recall key details about her use of a private email server or she refused to answer questions about it posed by a conservative legal group.

Clinton lawyer David Kendall provided the Democratic presidential nominee’s sworn responses to 25 written questions submitted by Judicial Watch. The group has filed multiple lawsuits seeking copies of government documents from Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

Clinton’s answers provided no new information beyond what she told FBI agents during the recently closed investigation into whether she and her staff mishandled classified information.

In her responses, Clinton used some variation of “does not recall” at least 21 times.

For example, Clinton was asked when she decided to use her private email account to conduct government business and whom she consulted in making that decision.

Clinton said she recalled making the decision in early 2009, but she “does not recall any specific consultations regarding the decision.”

Asked whether she was warned that using a private email account conflicted with federal record-keeping rules, Clinton responded that “she does not recall being advised, cautioned, or warned, she does not recall that it was ever suggested to her, and she does not recall participating in any communication, conversation, or meeting in which it was discussed.”

Judicial Watch had sought to depose Clinton in person about the creation of the private server located in the basement of her New York home. In August U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan instead ordered the Democratic presidential nominee to respond to the group’s questions in writing.

In addition to her inability to recall the requested information, Clinton entered various legal objections to the formation or wording of 18 of the 25 questions. She also filed eight separate general objections to the process under which the questions were being asked.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the group’s lawyers will closely review Clinton’s responses.

“Mrs. Clinton’s refusal to answer many of the questions in a clear and straightforward manner further reflects disdain for the rule of law,” Fitton said.

Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman protested the process in a statement Thursday night. He said Sullivan’s denial of Freedom Watch’s requests for an oral deposition “cleverly allowed Hillary Clinton … to stonewall giving responsive and meaningful answers.”

Klayman continued, “Now, even if motions to compel complete and responsive answers are filed, they will not be decided for some time, and Judge Sullivan will have run out the clock — paving the way for Hillary Clinton … to easily win the presidency.”

Campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said Clinton has answered these same questions in multiple settings for over a year, and her answers Thursday “are entirely consistent with what she has said many times before.”

“Judicial Watch is a right-wing organization that has been attacking the Clintons since the 1990s, and this frivolous lawsuit is just its latest failed attempt to hurt her campaign for the presidency,” Fallon said.


8 Responses

  1. So I suppose we would all recall with complete clarity the setup of a server let’s say in our businesses 7 years ago. I wouldn’t be able to, especially to swear to it.
    Also why should everybody and their grandmother be able to question her?

  2. She has the criminal mind, the muscle, and all the connections of a true mafia don.
    All she needs now is to “don” herself in an insanity robe and slippers, for public consumption, and Vinny the Chin will have been humbled.

  3. Rt – when it involves government material there’s no excuse. And why wud u defend her. She’s the biggest disgrace to man kind. I hope they lock her up forever. Amen!!!

  4. Hillary is just like her husband with the lies, cover ups and just being devious about the everyday Americans. I think she should be thrown is jail for all the emails the were sent through her private email server and received a felony for each email sent. She keeps bashing Trump over things that happen over 10yrs ago when he was not interested in becoming president. She has been in politics for 26 years and she thinks she knows how to run the United States of America and she doesn’t know jack, just like her husband who took all the credit after his political team came up with the ideas and put them in motion. Trump is a great smart business man and this country needs to be treated like a business to get us out of debt! If she does get voted in she should be impeached just for the emails cover ups but instead she keeps bashing Trump over goosing a few women and with him being a celebrity they probably provoked him to do so and now he is running for president they are coming out of the woodwork and I’m sure they are tied to Hilary’s payroll. She should never be allowed to run this country or even be involved in our defense division. She is going to cause us to go deeper in debt when Trump wants to help us get out of debt and get more Americans back to work. I believe everything that went through her internet server even if it was done from her worker bees she needs to be punished for that. But when Trump bring things up she just laugh and blows it off, that is crap and shows she knows about everything but all she wants to do is focus everything on Trumps wrong doing. If this happened in another country or even if it was a everyday American we would be in jail or be getting killed. If she does gets elected that is just going to put the name in the coffin for us Americans. Trump is the best option that we have left and if she does get elected I’m moving my family to Canada then live under a dictator running our country into the ground and putting us farther in debt. Trump like Regan will make this country Great Again.

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