Photo Essay: Uman Rosh Hashanah 5777 PART 4 (Photos By Yossi Goldberger And A. Blum – JDN)

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4 Responses

  1. Perhaps instead of so many photos from Uman, which basically are all the same, please show some pictures of regular Yidden by the Kosel during vasikin minyan, or in whichever shul or shtibel they said slichos, davened mincha and are then doing countless acts of chesed.
    Where are the photos of the “other Jews”, who are mekayem bimkom rina shom yihye hatefilo, those who didn’t take upon themselves a rather strange custom of a very small group to spend a yom tov in a beis hakvoros?
    After viewing this constant barrage of Uman pictures Uman videos, and reading the news about Uman planes leaving, arriving, or being cancelled, one may come to think that there isn’t much else to Rosh Hashono, or Judaism altogether, aside from traveling to Ukraine, having a jolly good time, and leaving one’s family behind while at it.

  2. I don’t criticize this. I wonder if Rav Nachman wanted them to leave Eretz Yisroel for this. In his time his chassidim were in the same country as Uman. But I understand that this is their way to connect to their Rebbe.
    Secondly, if it is a proper minhag,it should stay by the Breslovers. Would I daven in Satmar if I was a Bobover? Each group should serve Hashem their way.

  3. I was there with the other 65,000
    People, davening their hearts out.
    If you want to see pictures of the Kotel go online and see them anytime you want.

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