Editors Note: Why YWN Will NOT Be Streaming The Presidential Debate Tonight

trhilWe respect our readership too much….

In not streaming the debate tonight, and in avoiding some of the recent news, we are demonstration our respect for our readership, and an apology is not necessary but rather a statement of appreciation.

We DO NOT apologize to our dear and honored readership for offering a lesser exhaustive treatment of this presidential race than it would normally deserve. We in fact manifest our respect for our fine readership by remembering who we are and above all who you are.

Together we are constituents of a world which we honor, the Torah observing world. A world in which eidelkeit must take precedence above curiosity, in which the sanctity of our homes will always reign supreme.

We DO NOT apologize…We appreciate who our intended audience is and hope to never disappoint you.

While YWN has no intention to censor news for our vast readership according to our opinions, sadly we are left with no alternative based on how low the presidential election has sunk.

YWN strives to edit articles as best we can for our readership, but it is simply impossible to do that in a live-time debate which is sure to turn ugly and highly inappropriate for not only children – but Frum Yidden of all ages.

We will do our best to provide the election news in as clean and Kosher a way as possible as our tens of thousands of devoted readers have come to expect.

Best wishes for a Gmar Chasima Tova.

YWN Editors.

25 Responses

  1. Rabbosai. Lets get out of the U.S. Now. So many reasons. So many angles. Now this?? The writing is on the wall…

  2. I respect the YWN decision not to offer live coverage of the debate and recognize that most readers have multiple alternatives to listen if that is what they want. However, in reality, the low level of dialogue is the reality of our political system today, whether we like it or not and as Americans and Jews, we have to deal with the world as it is. I would speculate that a large percentage of YWN readers are disgusted and angry that they have two such terrible choices on the ballot but that is reality.

  3. “The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”

    Let’s all Daven

  4. I fully understand after hearing the Trump recording on the radio Motzei Shabbos. I assume you’ll provide a summery tomorrow morning of what was said.

  5. YWN I appreciate your decision, and I would do the same thing. The question is on your year round coverage of these type of stories, and actually a video under this article which is just as inappropriate.

    So are you doing this for the clicks, or the right reasons?

    Please don’t provide mixed messages and keep your site clean year-round, not only when you want to make a statement.

    Moderators Note: the video under this story is this: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/general-news/472333/watch-bill-oreilly-on-media-bias-and-the-presidential-race.html

  6. I hear what ywn says but if u can’t post then u have to take more time while the debate is going on and give us updates and short videos. I would rather say that u should post this debate that’s how more people will be disgusted by these two people and maybe they will vote libertarian or third party. (The second choice is the best. I understand that u might have problems about dirty things. But let everyone see how bad these people r) thanks for listening

  7. כל הכבוד YWN!
    It just shows how low the goyim have sunk,if these 2 low characters have been elected as potential presidents!! Look how the mighty America has fallen! Don’t let us follow in their footsteps. Keep us far away!

  8. If enough people refused to listen to the name calling, insults and vulgarities – maybe they would stop and start discussing politics again.

    BTW, there are third party candidates that are mentchicht and discuss public affairs without acting like school yard bullies – but they seem to be getting little support.

  9. Justasec – stop blaming goyim. There are frum yiden who have no problem plastering their support for this menuval all over their cars, in shuls and stores. Kshot atzmacha vacher kach kshot acheirim.

  10. So will YWN follow the lead of USA Today and ask its readers not to vote for the man responsible for the filth of this election Donald Trump.

  11. Kudos to YWN. In these days prior to yom kippur they did the right thing. Painful as it is, this approach is the correct one. I appreciate this decision!

  12. Yeshiva World is taking its lead from Mr. Putin, just block everything and tell your audience what you want them to hear. If a listener thinks that there is something that he doesn’t want to hear or shouldn’t hear, it should be up to the listener to make that decision without denying others access to what they want to hear.

    I will be tuning into FOXNEWS or NEWSMAX to see the entire debate live along with all the facial expressions and body language that is important to the venue.

  13. #14, if Trump were less of a disgusting (all words that could describe him are profane), there would be no such video.

  14. Attn. # 13, crazykanoiy, did you forget the natsty vulgarities of the other candidate when her husband was guilty of the worse of the worst and including his shameful activities in the Oval Office – that very same room where Mr. Bush never entered without suit and tie as respect to the institution?
    They’re both individuals who are wholly unworthy of the position, nevertheless we have to pick the better of the two evils and that choice is clear! We’re all going to pinch our noses and vote for the lesser of the two evils.

  15. A clear knock at TLS who aired the debate live & always acts holier than thou. Not it’s YWN punching back. I guess every industry has its competitive filth.

  16. #17 in torah there is no free speach. if nivel peh ,insults thrown all over etc etc then no ‘free speach’ as your own addmitance , you watch the lewd TV no wonder…

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