After Bombshell Tape Surfaces, Republicans Tell Trump To Quit, Billionaire Vows To Press On

trA defiant Donald Trump insisted Saturday he would “never” abandon his White House bid, rejecting a growing backlash from Republican leaders nationwide who disavowed the GOP’s presidential nominee after he was caught on tape bragging about predatory advances on women.

Trump’s own running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, declared he could neither condone nor defend Trump’s remarks in a 2005 videotape that sparked panic inside Trump Tower and throughout the Republican Party with early voting already underway exactly one month before Election Day.

“We pray for his family,” Pence said in a statement after canceling a Wisconsin appearance scheduled with House Speaker Paul Ryan and the Republican National Committee chairman, Reince Priebus, both of whom had condemned Trump’s remarks the day before but stopped short of withdrawing support altogether.

The furor places enormous pressure on Trump to try to tamp down a crisis sure to spill into Sunday night’s presidential debate.

But even as the fallout deepened fractures in a party already torn about Trump, many remained loyal to the political outsider. Wisconsin voter Jean Stanley donned a shirt proclaiming “Wisconsin Women Love Trump” and called Ryan a “traitor” for denouncing the presidential contender’s comments.

“He’s a real human,” Stanley said of the New York businessman, surrounded by Trump supporters at the Wisconsin rally where he was set to appear before the videotape emerged.

Ryan and Priebus did not join a chorus of GOP officeholders from Utah to Alabama to New Hampshire who decided the former reality television star’s bombshell was too much to take. More than a dozen Republicans — senators, congressmen and sitting governors — announced Saturday they would not vote for Trump.

Among them was the party’s 2008 nominee, Arizona Sen. John McCain, who had stood by Trump even after the billionaire questioned whether the former POW should be considered a war hero because he got “captured.”

“He was not my choice, but as a past nominee, I thought it important I respect the fact that Donald Trump won a majority of the delegates by the rules our party set,” McCain said in a statement. But given Trump’s “behavior this week,” McCain said, it is “impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy.”

Many went farther and called on Trump to quit the race altogether.

“I thought supporting the nominee was the best thing for our country and our party,” Alabama Rep. Martha Roby said in a statement. “Now, it is abundantly clear that the best thing for our country and our party is for Trump to step aside and allow a responsible, respectable Republican to lead the ticket.”

His party in chaos, Trump spent Saturday with a close circle of advisers in his campaign’s midtown Manhattan headquarters. Among them: former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who said calls for Trump to bow out are simply the “wishful thinking of the Clinton campaign and those people who have opposed him for a long time.”

Most of Trump’s staff and network of supporters were left in the dark about the fast-moving developments. Conference calls were canceled and prominent supporters were given no guidance about how to respond to the explosive development, according to a person close to the Trump operation. The person insisted on anonymity, lacking the authority to discuss internal campaign matters publicly.

Trump addressed the dire situation on Saturday with a light-hearted tweet: “Certainly has been an interesting 24 hours!”

He later tweeted he would not yield the GOP nomination under any circumstances: “The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly – I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN!”

The political firestorm was sparked by a 2005 video obtained and released Friday by The Washington Post and NBC News.

In a video statement released by his campaign after midnight early Saturday morning, Trump said, “I was wrong and I apologize.” But also dismissed the revelations as “nothing more than a distraction” from a decade ago. Foreshadowing a likely attack in Sunday’s debate, he also suggested that rival Hillary Clinton has committed greater sins against women.

“I’ve said some foolish things,” Trump said. “But there’s a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims.”

While still publicly backing Trump, the Republican National Committee is considering how to move forward.

One possibility: re-directing its expansive political operation away from Trump and toward helping vulnerable Senate and House candidates. Such a move would leave Trump with virtually no political infrastructure in swing states to identify his supporters and ensure they vote.

“We are working to evaluate the appropriate messaging going forward,” said RNC chief strategist Sean Spicer.

Election law experts suggest it would be logistically impossible to replace Trump on the ballot altogether, with early voting underway in some states and overseas ballots already distributed to military servicemen and others.

Ryan fundraising chief Spencer Zwick, however, said he’s been fielding calls from donors who “want help putting money together to fund a new person to be the GOP nominee.”

Zwick told The Associated Press that a write-in or “sticker campaign” relying on social media could “actually work.” While there has never been a winning write-in campaign in a U.S. presidential contest, such an effort could make it harder for Trump to win.

The release of the recording and ensuing backlash almost completely overshadowed the release of hacked emails from inside the Hillary Clinton campaign that revealed the contents of some of her previously secret paid speeches to Wall Street.

The Democratic nominee told bankers behind closed doors that she favored “open trade and open borders” and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help overhaul the U.S. financial sector. Such comments were distinctively at odds with her tough talk about trade and Wall Street during the primary campaign.

Republican strategist Terry Sullivan, who previously led Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign, predicted Trump’s defeat.

“It’s over,” Sullivan said. “The only good news is that in 30 days Trump will be back to being just a former reality TV star like the Kardashians, and Republican candidates across America will no longer be asked to respond to his stupid remarks.”


41 Responses

  1. Note that the ones who are calling for him to quit, are also those who opposed him all along. Those who supported Trump from the beginning are not calling for him to quit. And in any event, its too late to change nominees on the ballot in some (perhaps most) states.

    For the neo-cons, their only hope is to vote for Hilary and hope she double-crosses her supporters (a Clinton custom) to support a vigorous (muscular) internationalist policy. For conservatives who favor small government, there is Johnson. For the “Country Club” Republicans, they have been leaning to Hillary all along (she is after all, the candidate most favored by Wall Street).

  2. This is so absurd, he basically spoke like a goy does and they blew it up.

    Bill Clinton actually did horrible things to woman with Hillary defending him for her own personal gains and no one says a word.

    What a double standard!!!

    So bad words are worse than bad actions? Even if the bad actions are far worse in nature than the words used?

  3. Yawn.

    The RINO’S will “beg” Jeb Bush to be their new king.
    Going from bad to worse.
    The RINO’S again are preparing to throw the elections. Nothing unusual. We’ve become accustomed to this.

  4. To No.1

    After watching this tape, I cannot understand why you are still such a big fan of Trump. CNN just released some additional tapes of him talking with Howard Stern years ago where he make inapporporiate comments abouthis own daughter….There is no end to these vile and disgusting rants but that doesn’t seem to matter to the Trumpkopfs who simply want to “blow up” a system that has left them behind. One of the leading “family values” types acknowledged how disgusting Trump has turned out to be but said he is still supporting him since he is more likely to appoint pro-life judges.

  5. The more we get into this election cycle, the more I am likely to vote for Clinton – as a protest vote against Trump. I will be ashamed forever if I ever do pull the lever for Clinton, though.

  6. All the Rino republicans are freaking out for no reason. This kind of low class talk is common among all the Democrats and they think nothing of it.

    This is a tempest in a teapot and will quickly fade away. The Clintons are guilty of much more severe and serious crimes.

    This article is a typical Leftist AP article.

  7. Trump is better than Hilary as she allowed 200 million American lives to be in jeopardy, vulnerable to HUGE security risks and so endangered all 200 million lives, with her emails which were read by all THE WORLD spies!!!!To say sorry for this is NOT ENOUGH!!She should not be re-elected!!
    Trump was a “young boy” when he said those things, that he said, boasting in front of other men, and not realizing he was being recorded. He never said he did anything that a woman would report as “criminal”. He has said sorry.
    Trump is really concerned for America, as America needs to learn how to protect Israel, not Hilary who DOES NOT REALLY CARE!!!

  8. Trump will say anything that he thinks the listener wants to hear.
    He was speaking to Billy Bush when he made his remarks. Billy Bush is himself a low life. The fact that Trump would boast about his exploits means nothing as he said what he thought Billy B wanted to hear. His boasts in that remark could be entirely fiction.
    Does Trump have an opinion of his own on anything? Does he personally have any morals? Hard to know as he will always say what he thinks the listener wants to hear.
    As such the tumult over these remarks is “making a mountain over a molehill”.

  9. I obviously haven’t seen this video, however I’m really not sure why anyone is surprised. We all knew that Trump is the modern day Achashverosh and Hillary the modern day Vashti. Between the two it’s a no brainer to go with Trump. We’re not voting for moral authority, that went out the window years ago with Bill Clinton.

  10. True, his is an adulterer and menuvel, but so were many presidents, e.g. FDR and JFK (Democrats, by the way). What he does in private has no bearing on my candidate choice.

  11. and the press ignores the new news that came out today about Hillary and wall street. why is that? where is the YWN articles on the Hillary “I have a private voice and a public voice” emails.

  12. His moral character is no surprise, but to hear him talk of women is such a demeaning way is shocking. I worked in the non Jewish community for years and never even heard the lowest of the low speak as disgustingly about women as Trump did. Keep in mind was was a adult at the time.

  13. It is a chilul Hashem that at a time when religous Christians denounce Trump over his disgusting behavior there are still frum yidden that will still support him.

  14. He apologized. For Those who say He never apologizes He apologized now that’s not good enough at the end of the day He is human and by far in my opinion He is a much better choice then hillary. Did He help start the mess across the middle east? Did He erase 30,000 e-mails that its impossible to retract? Did He tell wall street that He is in favor of destabilizing America? The list goes on granted He shouldn’t have said what He did we are all human and we all make mistakes His plan moving forward beats Hillary. It’s just a distraction for Those who were going to vote for Him probably still will and those looking for excuses they have one more to add to the list. BE”H i think He’d make a great President.

  15. Trump is lucky to have registered as a Republican a couple of years ago. Otherwise, many YWN readers would denounce him for this disgusting video.

    Some people would vote for Hitler if he were a Republican simply for the R next to his name.

    This man was a 60 year old man who was newly married at the time of the tape.

    This man has a history of adultery. No, most ‘goyim’ – other than his buddy Bill Clinton – do not engage in such behavior. His wife – who is no tzadeikes if you know how they met – also denounced him.

    Many Republicans who were ardent supporters – including his first Congressional endorsee – unendorsed him.

    If you vote for Trump, then be ready to defend your vote for many years to come. You will have to explain your decision to your children and grandchildren.

    Those criticizing YWN for not reporting Hillary Clinton emails: Do you want YWN to report that the emails show that Hillary is pro-business or that Israel prefers Hillary?

    I’m still not ready to support Clinton, but I will be disturbed if the nation will see support to a menuval and embarrassment to the nation from our community.

  16. Mainstream media and globalists are panicking. Their hypocrisy is staggering. While Trump’s (mostly edited) “statements” are nasty, they’re nothing compared to the immoral lewd “ACTIONS” Hillary’s husband the menuval did to women with Hillary approval and enabling him to do those lewd stuff and then telling those women whom her husband abused “they wanted it” and calling them “B….”, besides her own immoral activities, let alone her other monstrous criminal activities globally. So please…., compared to Hillary and her husband, Trump is noble!

    BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE: The DemocRats are coming out with a hoax against Trump right before elections. A fake immoral action against Trump they spread over 20 years ago. They hope this lie will be all over the media till after after elections when the truth will come out.

    Another thing. If Hillary ch”v wins, you can pack your bags. According to the Department of Homeland Security, Hillary is planning in her first term as president to open the borders and allow 1 million Muslim refugees into the US , even though she clearly stated that the Muslim immigrants in Europe have left a trail of misery and mayhem.

    And don’t for one moment believe that Hillary gives a hoot about Israel. If she has deep ties with radical Islam and close connection to the Muslim Brotherhood, she’s no friend of Jews or Israel.

    May Hashem protect us from this sick, corrupt, evil woman.

  17. You can no longer bring a newspaper into your home because at the very least, women are shown in all manner of poses, radio jock shlocks using profanities all day long, shameless suggestive advertisement on public transit vehicles, all fostered by the demented liberal mindset. Now these creeps want to bring Trump down for the same culture that they cooked up.
    All one can watch now are reruns of Jackie Gleason shows.

  18. first of all acc to alot of ppl here they dont believe in teshuva that ppl can fix mistakes second who cares as long as healthcare n economy get better third its worse voting for democrats that r progat marriage n proabortion so crazykanort ur opinion is incorrect in fact anyone voting democrat has to keep in mind many ppl r losing money to pay for free stuff

  19. Those of you bringing in the “goy” issue are ignoramuses .
    There are millions of non-Jews who are moral, Bible believers to one extent or another, opposed to the media lib filth, opposed to abortion, and upstanding citizens.
    I’m ashamed at your ad- hominem derogatory comments.
    How many unaffiliated liberal Jews own rubbish lib media outlets who push foul and lewd programming?

  20. No one is saying this: it’s reprehensible that the GOP is not backing him. Clinton could do many things wrong and she has and the democratic party sticks with her,makes excuses for her,backs her up. Trump says something, anything and the GOP throw him to the curb. The gop aren’t unified. It’s disgusting.

  21. ZionGate, the reason we can’t have the radio on ESPECIALLY with kids around is SOLELY due to the immortality dropoff under President WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON and all his shenanigans in the White House. Just remember that!!

    Gadolhadorah, I’m not understanding your socialist liberal democrat hypocrisy. I saw videos last night of Obama SAYING THE SAME THING!!!! But I’m sure that’s perfectly okay with you because he’s a Democrat and probably another reason that I won’t go into here.

    So let’s look at the FACTS here. These comments, vulger yes,but nothing different than the way one goy talks to another in private. Bill Clinton has said the same stuff in private. These comments as well as other similar comments were made over 10 years ago. It would seem Trump has changed in that manner. We are in the days of Aseres Y’may T’shuva and as yiddin we should know and internalize what T’shuva means. It would seem, seem, that over the last ten years there has been a degree of T’shuva by Trump. That’s what HKB’H asks of us these days … Tshuva.

    Besides, we know that Hillary has given speeches to the banks and Wall Street and said one thing while telling the public something else. She’s told the banks exactly what she’s going to be doing and what she favors while to the people she’s told the opposite.

    We know that Hillary’s Campaign Chairmen, John Podesta, has been in contact with the SuperPacs telling them what to say on behalf of Hillary and how to attack Trump. That is a major violation of campaign law in the United States!!!!

    We know Hillary cannot be trusted with anything that’s even remotely confidential in the United States. The FBI Director, who should be rooting in prison too, said she could not be given clearance. Why would anyone want to vote for such a person who cannot be truste?. Donald Trump has or had a dirty mouth. Maybe he’s said things that since feel are nasty? But the words that he says or said 10 years ago is not something that can take the country down. Hillary’s actions WOULD take the country down.

  22. I am still voting for Trump in November. He said bad things, but Bill Clinton, as president did terrible things and got away with it. Now he is revered as a statesman. He is slime.
    So is his wife. She would continue with Obama’s devasting ways.
    Our healthcare system is awful. Many top Insurance companies have pulled out of Obamacare, the cost for the rest of them is horrendous.
    Top doctors are not taking any health insurance.
    Many doctors are fenting out their offices for Urgent Cares, which are run by inexpreienced people.
    Clinton is a lifelong friend of the arabs. She gets a lot of money from them. Pay for Play. She started the arab spring which let all the dogs out.

  23. No, she is a lowlife, too – she supported her husband’s infidelities against the women he exploited and is still married to this disgusting adulterer whose behavior make a total mockery of the presidency. She is also a criminal, sonei yisroel, sonei E”Y – it’s amazing how self-hating and naive liberal Jews are.

  24. Attention, all of you: Trump was not just talking lewdly, he was describing his own conduct, indeed, bragging about his audacity in assaulting women and getting away with it. That is not just talk, that is an admission that he assaulted women simply because they were within his reach.

  25. Those who bash goyim should consider this irony. It is the goyim who are walking away from Trump because of his disgusting behavior while some frum yidden continue to proudly support him. Really sickening.

  26. Attention Women,

    Would you rather be a victim of his vulgar speech?
    Or Bill & Hillary’s Vulgar Actions?

    I’ll be voting Trump…

  27. Is there any doubt regarding the timing of the emergence of this old tape??

    Read about the newly released statements she made in her Wall Street speeches. I don’t think that there ever was such a corrupt couple in Washington as the Clintons. The worst part is that everyone – Obama, Podesta, most politicians and media alike are in collusion with them.

    Trump is a boor just like many others. There is a tape of Obama speaking at a function where he uses the same foul language; Joe Biden is a creep who cannot keep his hands to himself ever. Of course, nobody tops Bill Clinton who is a rapist, a predator, and a menuval of the worst kind.

    Most evil is Hillary Clinton, who not only protects her husband (calling these victims the worst names), but threatens any woman who dares to expose his violent attacks. That’s on top of her willingness to sell America to the highest bidders. (e.g. the uranium deal with Russia!)

    Nobody is talking about the greatest concerns the US is facing – terrorism, the economy, immigration, healthcare, etc.

    It is not being addressed because Hillary has nothing positive to show in those areas, despite being in office so many years.

    Let’s not forget, of course, her sidekick Huma Abedin -an anti-semitic, pro sharia muslim who has enormous influence on Hillary’s actions towards Israel.

    Electing Hillary Clinton is committing suicide!!

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