VIDEO AND PHOTOS: Tens Of Thousands Of Children Participate In Misaskim’s 23rd Annual Tehillim Asifa



Misaskim on Thursday marked its 23rd international, annual Tehillim Asifa with tens of thousands of children from around the globe. Misaskim coordinates this poignant event during Aseres Yemei Teshuvah to infuse strength and hope into all those in urgent need of a yeshuah.

The largest single group met in the huge Bobover Beis Medrash in Boro Park Brooklyn where thousands of children filled the Beis Medrash. The scene was breathtaking. Telephone hookups brought it to many other schools and shuls so that many other thousands of Yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs could be part of it.

Thousands more joined via satellite hookup across the nation and around the world. Young voices from London, Manchester, Israel, Toronto, Montreal, Panama, and Mexico City cried out in unison with those in the United States “Shlach Refuah Shleima L’Cholei Amecha!” Rabbonim representing nearly every Jewish community led the participants through the tefillos.

This year’s Asifa was privileged to have the participation of Rav Yeckezkel Roth, Shlita who led the Shlosh Esrei Middos and Rav Matisyahu Solomon, Shlita, who completed the Asifa by reciting the Kabolas Ol Malchus Shomayim.

Preparations for organizing the inspirational mega-event began six months ago and entailed the help of many volunteers. Wednesday night, many individuals gathered to work throughout the night to ensure the removal of all the benches in the Bobover Beis Medrash and to set up the necessary equipment required for live transmission and the wiring for the sound systems for the audio transmission of the asifah.

Misaskim representatives went to great lengths to coordinate this momentous asifah. Volunteers from the organization, who consider the tehillim asifah their own personal “spiritual crisis-prevention tool,” worked to ensure that every detail was attended to properly.

The Tehillim Asifah has been initiated in response to the many tzaros which Klal Yisroel and Misaskim confront daily. Surely the fervent pleas of the tinokos shel bais raban penetrated the sha’arei shamayim and will secure a shana tova for all of Klal Yisroel.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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