YWN MAILBAG: I Was Robbed And Shomrim Wouldn’t Help Me

mailEveryone knows the good work that shomrim does. If there is a shoplifter, an attempted burglary or attempted robbery, shomrim respond immediately. More often than not, the subject amount is relatively small; a bike, wallet, some jewelry etc. Yet we collectively appreciate the sense of law and order that shomrim provide.

Morai Verabosai, I have a grocery which is the source of parnasa for my family. I am owed hundreds of thousands of dollars by people who have the means but refuse to pay. I am told that other grocers have a similar problem. This is robbery. Why is this allowed? Kol demai achicha zoakim aylai, damim tarti mashma.

It is aseres yemai teshuva. Please, pay up!!

Your local grocer.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. Why is ywn posting against our fellow Jews erev rosh hashanah???? Let this grocer forget about other people’s aveiros for a few days and concentrate on his own. Thanks. Kesiva vachasima tova

  2. #3. Holala – I think the intention is to remind people of their obligations. The grocer will be able to forget about other’s aveiros when they do not cause him financial loss.
    I am curious how much these people spend on their arba minim.

    p.s. – I do not own a grocery or any store.

  3. Yosis you are right, it is nuts. Those who owe money should pay up, now before Rosh Hashana.

    Takingabreak – just like the Palestinians blame the Jews for everything wrong in the world. The grocer’s parnassa is selling food to people. When they don’t pay, he is to blame.

    Holala – YWN is doing the customers a favor by reminding them of their debts before Rosh Hashana so that they can pay up and go before the kisei hakovod with a clean slate [at least as far as their grocery bills are concerned].

    Buying on credit and not paying within the agreed time frame of the credit allowed is stealing. Period. Stealing is ossur min haTorah.

  4. not a stupid post at all
    these people who owe him the money are the same that borrow and dont pay back
    but go to the country drive new cars
    and wives and children are dressed to kill
    and the worst part is that they kill it for the people who really need

    its because of these people that i think ten times before i loan someone money

    and to # 3
    this grocer cannot forget about someone elses averois
    as its killing his cash flow
    you have a real sick attitude
    and it smells like you would be one of his customers!!!

  5. I work as a cashier in a grocery. If people would know how true this is. Its a shanda that comments 1-9 make choizek from this. A sign of the times and attitude of customers. Epes felt in der chinuch.

  6. One of my family members has a grocery and yes ppl don’t pay there bills and then the grocer can’t pay his bills and he has to struggle to make a living and it’s not so easy to tell a kid that comes in that you can’t shop because your parents have a unpaid bill so yes it’s a good time in the year to remember to pay your bill and thnx ywn for bringing it up!!!!!

  7. if you have already sent them many reminders of their current balance & they have still not paid it up then it is time to go to the next step.

    send them a letter reminding them of the following aveiros (sins) they are commiting each day they do not pay their balance they owe:
    Aveiros Committed each day your payment is not made include:
    1) פעולת שכיר לא תלין -You should not delay the wages of your worker overnight (day, week or month deal)
    2) לא תגזל -Do not steal (Aseres Hadibros)
    3) השב תשיבם Return a lost object to someone (& if you robbed someone you should return it)
    4) ואהבת לריך כמוך- Love your Neighbor as yourself & do not do something to someone, something you don’t want to be done to you.
    5) לא תחלל את שם קדשי -Don’t desecrate Hashem’s holy name (Chillul Hashem)
    6) יראת יהוה ואת מצותי -Fear Hashem & his Mitzvos

    On another note, if the customer owes alot of money from many orders versus alot from just one big order you might want to think before accepting another order from them.

    I sure hope you will get your money owed to you from everyone & hope they do teshuva before yom kippur.

    I wish all klal yisroel a k’siva v’chasima tova

  8. I’m not sure what percentage of this proprietor’s customers read YWN, but I imagine he’d reach more of them using a traditional method of contact such as a phone call or email.

  9. Why does YWN use false click-bait headlines that cast aspersions on Shomrim, and on Erev R”H?

    Anyone reading that headline would wonder what his local shmorim had against him. Where is the heter to cast implicit aspersions on these selfless people?

    He obviously was not “robbed”, certainly not in the sense that Shmorim could have helped him. He seems to have extended a loan (“credit”) in his store, only to not have been paid back (yet).

    While I certainly wish him and his family well and that he be repaid all that money, the YWN headlines are really getting out of control IMHO.

  10. This is indeed a stupid post (with a much more stupid headline). If someone owes you money don’t keep lending him, just call him and ask for your money back. Why are you provoking kiteug on klal yisroel publicly errv rosh hashono?

  11. Guys I didn’t mean that they shouldn’t pay him but if u have a problem that people didn’t pay then tell them that before they buy anything in ur store they must pay and if they can’t then make small payments. But to remind urself erev rosh hashanah that people didn’t pay u and now is the right time to go spread the world that am Yisroel isn’t living chas veshalom in piece with one another. Well to the guy that commented that I am probably the type of guy who would have a bill. Let me make this clear that I always make sure to pay full when I buy the food and not write up on account (except if my wife sends my son or daughter to buy a few things and I pay up that week when I make my shabbos order) mr local grocery I hear ur pain I know it’s hard to have a business and people aren’t payin u. # 1- why remind erev rosh hashanah ? # 2- u have a lot of ways to make people pay and by posting on ywn it’s kind of loshon horah. Everyone lets live with achdus. Am Yisroel chai. May we all be zoiche to have a Shonah tova umesuka.

  12. To #11 (Yossi)

    Well said. It is appalling how paying for food is bottom of the priority list after all the gashmiusdik things are paid for.

    But I also wonder… why were these scammers given more than 100$ credit? The best way to get the debts paid is to put a huge notice in the window of the top 10 debtors: you can be very sure they will pay up & so will the others if the sign says “more to come”.

    My father died with people owing him money – 2 years after retirement. I don’t think my mother ever received a penny of the choivas. It’s not right, food stores have to pay their suppliers. How can people do this? You can be sure they pay their electrician if their lights go out.

  13. I am in construction and it is even worst. I used to take payment when done but then I would be out even more. Now I take payments as a go along and even this they play with the last payment. A friend of mine has been chasing one of his “frum” clients for 3 years and every time comes up with a list of new things he is not satisfied with., and is withhelding $35,000. I was told don’t work for Mosdos and the person was right one owe we $60,000 for ten years.People want to either live nice or nicer than their neighbor but don’t have the money but that does not prevent them for spending. Another group are property owners who buy property and don’t want to invest their own money to get it fix into rentable state. They want you to wait until the rents come in A “friend still owes me $10,000 for fix a flat he bought but he goes on vacation, flies to Israel and sends his sons to the Rebbe.

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