Debate Commission Says Trump Mic Had ‘Issues’

trhilThe nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates says there was indeed a problem with Donald Trump’s microphone during Monday night’s first general election debate.

The commission says on its website that “there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall.”

There was no noticeable issue with the sound on television.

The GOP nominee complained about his mic the morning after the debate, even suggesting he may have been sabotaged.

Rival Hillary Clinton had mocked the complaint, saying anybody who complains about a microphone “is not having a good night.”


One Response

  1. there is no doubt – because they have come right out and declared so – that the news media is acting as droid surrogates for the Clinton campaign. all rational people must be mindful of the obvious bias in almost everything we are presented. news is a lie like the third world banana republic they have made it.

    we should be concerned… do not be deceived by the anti trump bias

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