Special Zechus For Yom Kippur: Harav David Abuchatzeira Shlita, Will Daven Four Times At Tziyun HaRashbi For Donors Of Keren Kiruv Yaldei Yisrael

rabbidavidabuchatzeira[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

Tens of thousands of G-d fearing Jews are preparing themselves for the Yamim Noraim, and are heeding the call of Gedolei Hador, Shlita, in Eretz Yisrael and America, to “adopt” a child from Keren Kiruv Yaldei Yisrael. By doing so, they guarantee themselves an advocate for the Day of Judgment in the form of the child who has merited to receive a pure Jewish education as the result of their donation.

Moreover, those who donate to this outreach organization will merit having mekubal, Harav David Abuchatzeira Shlita of Nahariya, daven four times on their behalf at the tziyun of the Tanna, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron. Rav David Shlita, closely monitors the organization’s holy work, and was recently received the presidium of the organization in his home, to receive his guidance and blessings on matters relating to thousands of Jewish children from Nahariya, Akko, and the surrounding areas.

During the meetings, he pleaded that a message be conveyed:

“Say in my name: adopting a child from the Keren Kiruv is pikuach nefesh! I pledge to daven for all those who adopt a child from the Keren Kiruv, four times from Erev Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur at the tziyun of the Tanna Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai for a good year from beginning to end.”

Harav David’s inspiring words express his clear opinion regarding the importance of saving Jewish children from secular education. This can be done by strengthening Kerev Kiruv Yaldei Yisrael, which is the only one that actually brings thousands of children from the periphery to Torah schools. Without the transportation, these children would not be getting a Jewish chinuch and would not know what Krias Shema is, chalilah.

The names of the donors and their families will be written in the Doros Yesharim Umevorachim book, which will be placed on the tables of the Gedolei Hador: Harav Steinman Shlita, Harav Kanievsky Shlita, Harav Karelitz Shlita, and Harav Edelstein Shlita, during the Yamim Noraim so that they can daven for a sweet new year.

For further information or donate, please contact the offices of Keren Kiruv Yaldei Yisroel Transportation Fund at 844-44KIRUV or 732-955- 3700 or E-mail: [email protected]

You can donate online: www.chinuchatamai.org

.ובזכות הסיוע והנתינה יזכו לכל אחד ואחד ל”אם אתה משמח את שלי – אני משמח את שלך”

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