Photo Essay: Hagaon HaRav Dovid Soloveichik Farhering Talmidim Of Yeshivah Gedolah Satmar (Photos by JDN)

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7 Responses

  1. zionflag, they share a hatred of the state; calling it a hashkafa gives it legitimacy that is not deserved. a good example of chazal’s message of chachamim hizharuh bedivreichem. it gets worse and worse, by the generation. there is a well known story about rav isser zalman meltzer ztl an agudist and rav zevin ztl, a mizrachist being at r. dovid’s bris. i am sure that does not happen anymore.

  2. 1&2
    Whoever your “daas torah” is doesn’t come close to R’ Dovid’s Tzidkus. Nor to his level of Bekius or Iun in Kol Hatorah Kulah. I doubt you want Zilzul Ta”ch hangin over your head next week….or ever…

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