These Children Don’t Have Tatty At Their Yom Tov Table!


When We Stand With Them –
The Community Stands By Them

Em Habanim is a non-profit organization that was established in 2002 when it became clear that the number of frum couples getting divorced was on the rise. The aim of our organization is to empower the divorced mothers by offering multidisciplinary support for them and their children.

In the frum society, divorce comes with its own unique challenges and only after every possible attempt has been made at all costs and having exhausted all other options to avoid the split in the family. The consequences of a difficult relationship within a marriage continue to have a negative effect on the mother and children long after the couple gets divorced.

Divorced mothers in this sector face on going struggles in many areas:

  • They undergo social rejection and blame in a society where divorce is not socially recognized or acceptable.

  • The children themselves are often rejected by their peers and even by the education establishments.

  • Apart from the financial burden of being the sole wage earner of the family, especially in cases where the father refuses to pay child support, the mother also has to juggle her dual parenting role, being both mother and father to her children. It’s important to stress that the role of the father in the frum society is crucial for the Jewish education of his sons. He learns torah with them teaches them to keep the mitzvos that are specific to men and is the natural link between the boys and their community.

This is where the Em Habanim team steps in supporting mothers through the social and emotional roller-coaster they experience when they get divorced, helping them keep the family together and doing everything possible to keep the children from dropping out and getting themselves into at risk situations.

In order to continue this critical work we need your support.

Help us, help the mothers and help the children.

To donate


By Mail: Em Habanim C/o LeChaim Charities P.O.BOX 258 Monsey NY 10952-0258


All donations are tax deductible


2 Responses

  1. What about our hardworking mothers who become single moms with kids, boys included over the Yamim Noraim not by choice, but because their husbands choose to be in Uman or by their Rebbi’s, thus leaving many kids who have father’s alone in shul or at home.

  2. Teal,
    Get over yourself. Not staying home for Rush Hasnah has been going on for centuries.
    And what about those who stay in shul until 5 p.m.? Are they also outcasts?

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