THE CONTAINERS HAVE ARRIVED! Williamsburg Residents Can Say Goodbye To Dozens And Dozens Of Precious Parking Spaces For The Next Month

0201 03

21 Responses

  1. npt only losing space but

    1)dangerous for mothers with carridges who can see properly cars when crossing

    2)busses that cant turn because of containers by corners

    3) causing losses for other stores as people walk cant see across what stores thers is, as a lot of buisiness comes from liesure walking ….

    …..and more

  2. Disgusting article! Really? Ywn doesn’t have anything to write about rather than this? Facebook is unusable due to the lashon hara emanating from the self haters. Social networking in general has been these self haters megaphone till now. Now I guess we’ll have to say good bye to ywn as well. It was nice knowing you.

    Wouldve been nice to point out how much merchandise gets sold in this season of the year. How much people do to have a greater simchas yom tov. This requires an astronomical food supply, which requires much more on site storage. As a consequence the parking scarcity has been magnified.

    Sorry for admonishing in public, the slander was in public as well.

    Moderators Note: Gotta love the stark difference in opinions in the two comments.

  3. #1- i live there. you obviously don’t. it’s crazy. i cant find parking for many hours. ywn did the right thing. and you cant cross streets safly. this needs to be stopped right away.

    you probably own one of the stores there.


  4. The Shaarei Teshuvah brings that tzadikim see the good in things/people/events and those who are not tzadikim see (or think they see) the bad in things/people/events. I am no tzadik, but it seems easy to see in these containers the countless chasadim done by store owners for their needy neighbors, the almost endless words of Torah spoken while picking out the best arba minim, the tremendous growth of our communities after the churban Europa that would require these containers, etc. Baruch HaShem we have such a need for the parking spaces, and Baruch HaShem we have people who know how to fill those spaces and what to do with them once they have parked there.

  5. 1)dangerous for mothers with carridges who can see properly cars when crossing

    The picture shows the containers placed at corners just under the traffic lights. If they cross at the corner with the green light there shouldn’t be an issue.

    2)busses that cant turn because of containers by corners

    The picture shows a school bus driving down the block with plenty of room for it to pass. If it has to turn at Lee Avenue, I don’t understand why it will have difficulty turning.

    The question is do these stores need permits for the extra storage?

  6. 2 to moderatoer #2 is probably one of the container renters…anyway we can both be right. the subject (containers) definately is b’gaider ‘gezilos hurabim….’ one the other hand … every pilpul ..we can go into

  7. #6 These pictures doesnt cover ALLLL of boro park , williamsburg etc or every senario…. i’m stating what i saw. eg like the times the buses had to manuver 5 or more min to go into a street or not at all’ (if there would be only these few containers theres no problem, after all i see only a total of 5 containers…’PICTURE SHOWS’ ha

  8. Why can’t ywn stop writing bad about frum yidden? Who’s forcing them to hate jews that are more right wing than them? It’s not like the modern of secular are any better.

    Moderators Note: The Tziyonim. (That’s what you wanted to hear anyways, right?)

  9. 10 if one complains about a situation ,he is a hater
    ? he hates? By the way Regarding post #1 3rd statement.. a friend of mine has a eatery and the next (2 stores off) had a container one long enough to block him which caused losses . so the eatery parked his vehicle against the opening of the container doors , which couldn’t be opened( after warning a few time) in short, not so pushet

  10. I wonder if all these sites were approved by the Community Board and if they have the required permits. Can’t the stores find another storage solution?

  11. Shut it down.

    When moderators of a site start getting huffy with readers, things are headed in the wrong direction.

    There is no excuse for this.

    Moderators Response: When self-hating Iranian-Holocaust-denying-embracing Neturei Karta thugs post comments, we feel we should respond appropriately. Because that’s who he is. He has been here before.

  12. Which 18 year old yeshiva guy is doing the moderating today for YWN?
    I think its the same kid that writes all these bias republican leaning articles with his bad grammer
    He’s probably showing all his friends in yeshiva his amazingly smart lines
    Hahhahahahahah sad.

  13. #7, I have never lived, rented, owned or been involved in any store in williamsburg.

    The point that bothers me is that it used to be Law and order. Not emotions and order. What this internet has gotten us to is emotions and order. When we can’t fight by law, we slander by internet. Emotions depend on how well one plays on it. Hitler (in a bad example) was able to get his despicable landsmen to follow him by emotions first (only later legislatively.)

    I understand this outrage, however go to your lawmakers and lobby to resolve this issue. This imho would be the correct venue.

  14. To #15

    Before you start attacking the Moderators, check your own poor English: “its” should be written as “it’s”; “kid that” should read “kid who”; “grammer” is spelled GRAMMAR.

    There are functions on all modern computers to check spelling and grammar. I suggest you blow the cobwebs off those keys and start cleaning up your own act before you continue making a fool of yourself.

  15. The point is that ywn often posts very one-sided articles showing bad things that frum jews do. There are a lot more things they could write about than crates in williamsburg.

  16. I live in Willy. These containers never bothered me. Just because cautious at the crossings because you need to anyway. I Fargas n the stores to make mney. What I do hate is the garbage left on floors erev sucos. Shame on you for that and make sure to clean now that im saying in public. Maybe reporters will hear and be happy with that. Get money from the 4 minim sellers in advance for cleanup on erev sucos which is an atrocious sight for us residents on the first night of sucos. But as far as containrs? Enjoy make money its your season .I fargin you (and no I dont have a store. We are indepndent workers or wage wprkers .

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