RCA Acts to Prevent Abuse of GET as a Tool of Suffering

get“The Rabbinical Council of America today takes a major step forward toward alleviating the suffering of those who cannot successfully end marriages due to the refusal of one of the parties to participate in effecting a Jewish divorce,” said Rabbi Shalom Baum, president of the RCA. A resolution adopted by the RCA now requires “each of its members [to] utilize, in any wedding at which he is the officiant (mesader kiddushin), in addition to a ketubah, a rabbinically-sanctioned prenuptial agreement, where available, that aids in our community’s efforts to ensure the timely and unconditional issuance of a get.”

According to Jewish law, both the husband and the wife must participate willingly in the delivery and acceptance of a get, a Jewish divorce document, without which neither party can remarry. Most divorcing couples understand the need for the get, and are cooperative and respectful of the process. In some cases, however, one spouse inappropriately uses the get as a bargaining chip to gain concessions in other areas surrounding the divorce such as financial settlements or child custody, or as a tool to torment a former spouse. This is an abuse of Jewish law as well as a form of spousal abuse that uses religious practice as a tool of manipulation and control. A rabbinic tribunal often does not have the authority or capability of forcing a recalcitrant spouse to cooperate, and there are those whose marriages have functionally ended but who tragically cannot remarry due to their religious convictions. A woman who cannot remarry is referred to as an agunah; a man is an agun.

One effective way to prevent get-abuse is the “Halachic Prenup.” Drafted by Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Sgan Av Beth Din of the Beth Din of America and a Rosh Yeshiva at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) of Yeshiva University, in consultation with halachic and legal experts, the Halachic Prenup has been advocated by the RCA since 1993. The agreement received wide-spread endorsement of leading rabbinic authorities in Israel and the United States, and is based on much older documents, dating back hundreds of years. This prenuptial agreement both designates the rabbinic forum in which claims for a get will be adjudicated and creates financial incentives for both parties to effect the Jewish divorce in a timely manner. There are other prenuptial agreements that are used as well.

Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann, Director of the Beth Din of America maintains that “”we have seen, over and over again, that the existence of a halachic prenup dramatically changes the dynamics of contentious divorce cases and virtually eliminates the risk that the get will be improperly used as a tool for leverage or extortion.” Rabbi Jeremy Stern, Executive Director of The Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA), a group that seeks to eliminate abuse from the Jewish divorce process and under the halachic guidance of Rabbi Herschel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva at RIETS, reports that in well over 1,000 contentious Jewish divorce cases with which his organization has been involved, “we have never seen a case of get-refusal in which the halachic prenup did not work. In numerous divorce cases in which the husband began to posture that he would refuse to issue a get, the halachic prenup secured the issuance of a timely and unconditional get.”

While until now the vast majority of RCA rabbis have counseled their congregants to enter into halakhic prenuptial agreements, and while many of them refused to officiate at weddings in which these documents were not first signed, this new resolution now requires all RCA-member rabbis to require the use of prenuptial agreements. There is reason to believe that this new mandate will help to prevent or alleviate many agunah cases. Most importantly, it will remove any perceived stigma associated with signing the agreement. Requiring rabbis to officiate only at weddings with halachic prenups eliminates the concern often expressed by about-to-be married couples that signing a prenup casts aspersions on their characters or their marriage.

With the adoption of this new resolution, signing the prenup is now no longer about the couple and the expectations that its rabbi has of them, but is about the rabbi and the professional standards that he must maintain. Rabbi Shalom Baum announced that the RCA will embark on a number of initiatives to help rabbis better implement this new mandate, as well as community programs to encourage the understanding and signing of prenups.

Rabbi Elazar Muskin, Vice President of the RCA said, “Seeing that there is a halakhic prenup at every wedding is everybody’s responsibility. Mothers and fathers should not walk their children to the chuppah unless a prenup has been signed. Friends should not let friends get married unless a prenup is signed.”

Rabbi Mark Dratch, Executive Vice President of the RCA said, “Supporting members of the community and relieving their distress are among the top priorities of rabbis. If the definition of a religious scholar is one who increases peace in the world (Berachot 64a), then rabbis must certainly step into the forefront when use of halachically acceptable tools are available to prevent the abuse of the vulnerable. Otherwise, we forfeit our claim to the title ‘rabbi.'”

(RCA Press Release)

6 Responses

  1. this is all old news but disclaimer is many dont hold of it cause it forces the husband to give the get so not valid “incentives” means pay a fine n while headlines discussed this w rabbi cohen the fact remains alot of rabbanim don’t endorse it otherwise the agudah n ou n other organizations should have it

  2. ‘If the definition of a scholar….’..But not at the expense of halacha. Another major example of using a qoute in shas which has no bearing to subject. {what we just said isnt against or for just …)

  3. I don’t know about anyone else, but having the pre-nup in the backround seems a lot better than having potential violence in the background.

    Having nothing in the background is not how chazal designed the halacha, and people who fight for this are -if not evil- helping evil.

  4. #3 the famous, all time poisek ‘Mr Boichsvara. Halacha, especially such very serious ones that can effect mamzeirous stautes is not decided by ‘MR or aRbbi Boichsvara”

  5. For shame! There are serious halachic problems with the entire concept of pre-nups and many gedolei yisroel prohibit them unconditionally. It is unconscionable for the RCA to attempt to force their members to adhere to one particular point of view in a halachic machlokes that has serious yichus ramifications.

    Moreover this diktat will have little effect since there are plenty of Rabbonim both in and out of the RCA that will follow their conscience and ignore the RCA “ruling”.

    This is really nothing but a pathetic attempt on the part of the RCA to appear politically correct, to curry favor with the feminist and left-wing segments of Orthodoxy (and over-the-top Centrism) – and to scrape up a few headlines. Feh.

  6. Among many other gedolei poskim and rabbonim, both Rav Elyashiv zt’l and Rav Shternbuch shlita have ruled that the RCA/BDA type prenup renders a future Get invalid (Get Me’usa), and thus is not permitted to be used.

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