NYC Mayor Rips Trump’s Call To Expand Stop-And-Frisk

debNew York City Mayor Bill de Blaiso is sharply criticizing Donald Trump’s call for expanded use of stop-and-frisk, a police tactic that a federal judge has ruled can be discriminatory against minorities.

De Blasio, a Democrat who supports Hillary Clinton, on Wednesday called Trump’s proposal “appalling” and suggested that “he’s either ignorant about the history of the city or he’s lying about it.”

Stop-and-frisk, which allows police to search anyone they deem suspicious, was widely used in New York though critics said it increased tension between communities of color and the police.

Trump said Wednesday he favors using it nationwide.

A federal court ruled in 2013 that the city’s use of the tactic was excessive and unconstitutional. De Blasio was elected that year after promising to end its overuse.


7 Responses

  1. Trump has no problem trying to abrogate the first amendment, he wants to limit freedom of the press, freedom of religion. He doesn’t want to follow rulings of the courts. In an already tense situation with law enforcement and the community around the country, this would be like pouring gasoline on a smoldering fire, he has no common sense.

  2. deblazio is an idiot as usual. its well documented that since stop and frisk was eliminated crime is up significantly. if they dont want to be searched dont act suspicious. i hope trump wins and ends this nonsense

  3. Comrade Tovarich:

    Lucky you, the 6’8″ strongman with bodyguards.
    Most of the rest of us are a bit shorter and carry our tuna fish lunchbags as protection as we hustle to take trains, buses and whatnot to make a living.
    Your first duty as a government official, Comrade, is to protect the plebeians and the underclass.
    Arguably, this is the ONLY reason for government.
    The demented libs are our rulers. Nebech !!

  4. rt;
    You have it in reverse. It’s the Dems who want to curb our rights,religious symbols and convictions erased.
    Obama & his lib courts denying rights of service companies to object to service gay marriages, for example.
    Chucky Shumer& Hil’liarry wanting to limit talk radio because of the conservative hosts.. They want 50/50 speech, and on and on. Loretta Lynch ( where have you gone, you race and class baiter, you private Bill Plane Shmoozer)has gone on record that she’s consider prosecuting anybody who denies climate change.
    If the pneumonia patient gets elected, look for a radical left despotic SCOTUS to take everything away from us.

  5. These liberals are so out of touch with reality, stop and frisk worked in NYC for years till this radical deblaiso took the city downhill.

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