Rabbi Yitzchok Grossman To Yair Lapid: Everyone Must Ask Selicha

1Migdal HaEmek Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaTzaddik Yitzchok Dovid Grossman Shlita met on Tuesday 17 Elul with Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid as Lapid continues efforts to bridge relations with the chareidi tzibur. Lapid came to see the rov’s food distribution operation ahead of Tishrei.

Lapid arrived at the Sirkin storage facility in Petach Tikvah were cartons are being packed with food for the needy ahead of Yomtov. Rav Grossman sat with Lapid and explained the essence of the upcoming Yomim Tovim and the role played to assist so many by his Migdal Ohr institutions.

A Kikar News correspondent asked Lapid if this was another effort to get closer to the chareidim.

Lapid responded “It is a part of getting closer to Am Yisrael”.

Rav Grossman spoke of the koach of faith in HKBH and the time period when Jews in the former USSR practiced their religion secretly under the communist regime. “They were mechazeik themselves in Avodas Hashem through song”, and he then began singing the Niggun “הנשמה לך” of Shlomo Carlebach.

Rav Grossman added “These words have special meaning ahead of Rosh Hashanah, and we must all ask one another ‘selicha’”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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