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Survey To Determine The Religious Lifestyle Of The Various Streams Of Dati Leumi Jewry In Israel

1The Dati Leumi weekly Makor Rishon newspaper this past Shabbos published the results of a survey that seeks to provide a look at the level of adherence to certain mitzvos by the various streams of the dati leumi community.

The survey was conducted by the ‘Mesaker’ Company based on its standard database which is representative of the dati leumi community. The survey included 400 respondents 16 and older. The dati leumi community was divided into four groups; torani dati leumi, classic dati leumi, liberal dati leumi, and those who do not identify with any of these categories.

Over 50% of the men daven with a minyan at least once during the week. The poll shows that davening in general, particularly with a minyan, is an integral component of life for men in the dati leumi world. On the average, the religious man dedicates an hour daily to davening.

1. Do you daven with a minyan on weekdays? (only asked men)

1A) 47.2% Shachris daily/ 14.2% a number of times weekly/ 6.6% once or twice weekly/ 102% rarely/ 13.2% don’t daven with minyan/ 8.6% don’t daven

(31.7% among 16-30-year-olds)

(40.4% among 31-50-year-olds)

(73.8% among 51+)

14.2% a number of times weekly

(13.3% among 16-30-year-olds)

(13.9% among 31-50-year-olds)

13.8% among 51+)

6.6% once or twice weekly

(11.7% among 16-30-year-olds)

(5.1% among 31-50-year-olds)

(3.1% among 50+)

10.2% once in a rare while

(8.3% among 16-30-year-olds)

(15.2% among 31-50-year-olds)

(4.7% among 50+)

13.2% I do not daven with a minyan

(21.7% among 16-30-year-old)

(16.5% among 31-to-50-year-old)

(4.7% among 50+)

8.6% I don’t daven at all

(13.3% among 16-30-year-old)

(8.9% among 31-50-year-old)

(4.6% among 50+)

1B) 43.9% Mincha/ 18.4% once twice weekly/ 11.7% rarely/ 9.2% don’t daven with minyan/ 16.8% don’t daven

(40% 16-30-year-old)

(32.1% 31-50-year-old)

(63.8% 50+)

18.4% a few times weekly

(18.3% 16-30-year-old)

(19.1% 31-50-year-old)

(17.3% 50+)

11.7% once in a rare while

(10% 16-30-year-old)

(16.7% 31-50-year-old)

(6.9% 50+)

9.2% I don’t daven with a minyan

(11.7% 16-30-year-old)

(7.7% 31-50-year-old)

(8.6% 50+)

16.8% I don’t daven at all

(20% 16-to-30-year-old)

(24.4% 31-50-year-old)

(3.4% 50+)

1C) 38.8% Maariv/ 20.4% once twice weekly/ 13.8% rarely/ 7.1% don’t daven with minyan/ 19.9% don’t daven

(31.7% 16-30-year-old)

(28.2% 31-50-year-old)

(60.3% 50+)

20.4% A few times weekly

(21.6% 16-30-year-old)

(20.5% 31-50-year-old)

(19% 50+)

13.8% Once in a rare while

(15% 16-30-year-old)

(15.4% 31-50-year-old)

(10.3% 50+)

7.1% I don’t daven with a minyan

(8.3% 16-30-year-old)

(7.7% 31-50-year-old)

(5.2% 50+)

19.9% I don’t daven at all

(23.3% 16-30-year-old)

(28.2% 31-50-year-old)

(5.2% 50+)

Less than a half of the dati leumi tzibur insist on separate beaches. There is however a difference when one goes with friends or one’s family.

2. What beach do you visit?

2A) 33.4% When with the family/ 32.7% doesn’t matter/ 22.7% only mixed/ 11.2% not relevant

(21.3% liberal)

(28.5% classic)

(46.2% torani)

It doesn’t matter to me

(41.3% liberal)

(41.4% classic)

(24.4% torani)

Only mixed beach

(30.7% liberal)

(21.8% classic)

(16.8% torani)

Not relevant

(6.7% liberal)

(8.3% classic)

(12.6% torani)

2B) 50.8% When with friends/ 31.7% doesn’t matter/ 8.8% only mixed/ 8.7% not relevant

(43.8% women only separate)

(37.8% women it doesn’t matter)

(10.4% women only mixed)

(8% not relevant)

(57.2% men separate only)

(25.3% men it doesn’t matter)

(7.2% men mixed only)

(10.3% not relevant)

The results below clearly show the dati leumi tzibur by and large is unconcerned with kol isha.

3. Will you listen to a female vocalist singing solo at an event? (only asked men)

14.2% won’t listen, look, & will go outside/ 24.4% would avoid it l’chatchila but wouldn’t walk out/ 61.4% would listen and watch

3A) By age: 16-30-year-olds

(20% won’t listen, look & would walk out)

(21.7% would avoid l’chatchila but wouldn’t walk out)

(58.3% would listen and watch)

By age: 31-50-year-old

(15.2% won’t listen, look & would walk out)

(30.4% would avoid l’chatchila but wouldn’t walk out)

(54.4% would listen and watch)

By age: 50+

(6.1% won’t listen, look & would walk out)

(23.1% would avoid l’chatchila but wouldn’t walk out)

(70.8% would listen and watch)

Won’t listen or look & would walk out

(2.5% liberal)

(5.9% classic)

(33.3% torani)

Would avoid l’chatchila but wouldn’t walk out

(7.5% liberal)

(26.9% classic)

(25.6% torani)

Would listen and watch

(90% liberal)

(67.2% classic)

(41.7% torani)

4. Do you put on tefilin daily? (only asked men)

83.7% every day

4.6% several times weekly

2% once or twice weekly

9.7% don’t put on tefilin

4A) By age

(75% 16-30-year-old)

(84.6% 31-50-year-old)

(91.5% 50+)

5. Do you wear tzitzis regularly? (only asked men)

64% regularly

11.2% yes, cotton

8.6% yes, but only time to time or special times

16.2% I do not wear tzitzis generally

6. How much time do you dedicate weekly for limudei kodesh?

3.3% over 20 hours

4.3% between 10-20 hours

12.4% between 3-10 hours

23.3% between 1-3 hours

28.9% up to an hour

27.8% I don’t dedicate any time

6A) Men

5.1% over 20 hours

7.6% between 10-20 hours

18.8% between 3-10 hours

29.9% between 1-3 hours

24.4% up to an hour

14.2% I don’t dedicate any time

6B) Women

1.5% over 20 hours

6.3% between 10-20 hours

16.7% between 3-10 hours

33.3% between 1-3 hours

41.4% up to an hour

27.8% I don’t dedicate any time

7. Do you make a bracha before and after eating?

7A) Beverage – bracha rishona

54.4% always

15.9% most of the time

11.3% from time to time

9.2% rarely

9.2% never

Beverage – bracha achrona

26.4% always

14.9% most of the time

13.6% from time to time

17.2% rarely

27.9% never

7B) Meat & fish – bracha rishona

56% always

17.4% most of the time

9.7% from time to time

7.7% rarely

9.2% never

Meat & fish – bracha achrona

38.7% always

16.9% most of the time

11.3% from time to time

16.2% rarely

16.9% never

7C) Fruits – bracha rishona

56.3% always

17.1% most of the time

12.3% from time to time

7.7% rarely

6.6% never

Fruits– bracha achrona

29% always

13.3% most of the time

15.6% from time to time

19% rarely

23.1% never

7D) Bread – bracha rishona

73.9% always

12.8% most of the time

6.4% from time to time

3.1% rarely

3.8% never

Bread – bracha achrona

61.3% always

20% most of the time

8.5% from time to time

3.8% rarely

6.4% never

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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