Clinton on Combatting Terror: ‘I Know How to Do This’

hilHillary Clinton cast herself Monday as the most qualified to combat terrorism in the U.S. after a weekend of violent attacks in three states. Going after rival Donald Trump, she argued that his anti-Muslim rhetoric is helping Islamic militants, including ISIS, recruit new fighters.

The Democratic presidential candidate touted her national security credentials at a hastily arranged news conference outside her campaign plane, accusing Republican Trump for using the incidents to make “some kind of demagogic point.”

“I’m the only candidate in this race who’s been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield,” Clinton, a former secretary of state, told reporters. “I have sat at that table in the Situation Room.”

She added: “I know how to do this.”

New York’s governor and mayor said Monday that the bombings in a Manhattan neighborhood and a New Jersey shore town are looking increasingly like acts of terrorism with a foreign connection. Authorities are also investigating the stabbings of nine people at a Minnesota mall as a possible act of terrorism.

An Afghan immigrant wanted for questioning in the bombings was captured in New Jersey Monday after being wounded in a gun battle with police, authorities said.

The violence cast a long shadow over the presidential race, diverting both candidates’ attention from the daily controversies of the presidential race.

Clinton and her team see her foreign policy experience as a key selling point for her candidacy. On the campaign trail, she frequently invokes her role in the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, describing to voters the tense atmosphere in the White House alongside President Barack Obama.

But while much of the foreign policy establishment has rallied around Clinton, Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric, promises to close U.S. borders and vows to aggressively profile potential terrorists have fueled his presidential bid.

“Knock the hell out of ’em,” Trump told “Fox and Friends” in a phone interview Monday morning.

“We’re not knocking them, we’re hitting them once in a while; we’re hitting them in certain places. We’re being very gentle about it. We’re going to have to be very tough,” Trump told Fox News Channel.”

He said that U.S. leaders, including Obama, “coddle” potential terrorists, saying “we can’t let any more people come into this country” amid calls for increased racial profiling.

Trump once again took credit for predicting current events, pointing to his Saturday night announcement that a bomb had caused the explosion in New York City. That was less than an hour after the explosion and before authorities had publicly said so.

Clinton urged voters not to “get diverted and distracted by the kind of campaign rhetoric we hear from the other side.” She insinuated that Islamic militants, particularly those affiliated with ISIS, are rooting for Trump to win the White House. The Republican has said he would bar immigration from nations with ties to terrorism.

“We’re going after the bad guys and we’re going to get them, but we’re not going to go after an entire religion,” Clinton said.

Clinton briefly turned her focus from national security on Monday, wooing younger voters at a midday rally at a Philadelphia university. Her campaign acknowledges she needs to do more to get millennials on board.

She’s scheduled to meet with the leaders of Egypt, Ukraine and Japan late in the day in New York City. The leaders are in New York for the U.N. General Assembly. Trump, too, announced plans to meet with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Monday.

The events came as both candidates were dealing with missteps. Trump and his allies spent Sunday — repeatedly and falsely — accusing Clinton of pushing the idea that President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. — a conspiracy theory long championed by Trump himself.

Clinton, meanwhile, is still facing questions about her health and openness after a video caught her staggering after abruptly leaving a 9/11 ceremony.


8 Responses

  1. Please no ליצנות in Elul.

    You had your chance Shillary and did nothing to stop the thugs that took 4 American lives including that of our ambassador so please save us from your rhetoric. You belong behind bars in your favorite article of clothing: a pantsuit in the color of orange.

  2. We all know that Hillary is a pathological liar. What is fascinating is that she can tell several lies at once. That’s amazing.

    One – she has no idea how to fight terror. I don’t need to provide any references for this. Just say the word, “Benghazi”.

    Two – She can never fight terror because she refuses to look for terrorists where they can be found. Anyone who would have deserved to graduate kindergarten knows that the overwhelming majority of terrorists come from an ideology called Islam. Until you label it accurately, you will walk around with the imagination that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”. Perhaps people who are natives of United States, France, England, Ireland, etc. can somehow become interested in Islam, and end up as terrorists. So there’s the home grown stuff to explore and eradicate. But nearly every instance involves the subscribing to Islamic values.

    Three – No one proposes to eradicate Islam (perhaps a good idea, but impractical). It is not religion that Trump is fighting, but the radicalized members of this group that truly deserve to be exterminated. But Hillary is too busy courting them, perhaps for money, perhaps to further the completely idiotic agenda of “political correctness”.

  3. If people would wake up and see her performance as Secretary of State was disastrous, not just Benghazi. She says she’s been in the “situation room’. So,that qualifies her? I sat in the bathroom, does that make me a plumber? She has no accomplishments to be proud of in any position she has held.

  4. Anybody recall how OBUMMER was gonna make the Muslims love us ? What happened to that guarantee oh I know “he didn’t realize how bad it was” another empty promise fro the race baiter in chief

  5. maybe she’ll follow the same model of behavior she used in the past to fight terror: the Clinton Doctrine

    support Arab spring terrorists who take over the country of Libya, don’t send help when our facilities are overrun , lie to the families of the fallen, blame a video, destroy the documentation and evidence, and smile and walk away from the civil war she created. after all, “we came, we saw, he died” cackle cackle.

    or was it her experience in supporting the Muslim brotherhood…

    or laying the groundwork for the Iran deal leading to the USA funding Hezbollah with pallettes of cash?

    or her embrace of Suha Arafat, ‘wife’ of the leading world’s terrorist at the timepre bin laden…?

    can someone help me here, I know I must be running dry before seeing page two of her resume…..???

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