Trump Takes Credit In Being First To Call NY Blast ‘A Bomb’


Donald Trump is again taking credit for predicting current events after he had announced that the cause of Saturday’s explosion in New York was a bomb before authorities had publicly said so.

The Republican presidential nominee told “Fox and Friends” that “I should be a newscaster because I called it before the news.” He spoke in a phone interview Monday.

Trump also said he believes there’s a foreign connection to the attack.

It is unclear whether Trump obtained his information from some sort of briefing. His campaign has declined to say.

Trump is also saying that people who publish bomb-making instructions in magazines and on websites should be arrested “immediately.”

He said: “They’re making violence possible.”

Trump’s campaign also accused the White House of minimizing the threat poised by Islamic State and allowing the danger to increase under Democratic President Barack Obama.

“Diminishing the threat the Obama administration has allowed to materialize on its watch puts us all at risk and is another reminder that we need new leadership in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism,” Trump spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement.

The statement followed a weekend in which a bomb went in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood, injuring 29 people, and another explosive device was found nearby. As many as six explosive devices were found in nearby Elizabeth, New Jersey, and a pipe bomb went off near a New Jersey shore town further south.


4 Responses

  1. Vote for him!! He is an absolute genius that he realized that an explosion that went off and injured 25 people was a bomb. I can’t believe I haven’t noticed how smart he is until now. I wish he had told us sooner. I guess he never thought to mention his greatness before.

  2. #1,
    No one else called it correctly. They’re too worried about being politically correct. He’s the cleverest lunatic in the asylum

  3. What a genius! This is like predicting the sun will come up tomorrow. Terrorism can’t be totally eliminated any more than robberies of convenience stores can, law enforcement works hard to prevent it, but they can’t stop everything. Just look in Eretz Yisroel, more attacks than not are stopped, but you can’t stop every rasha that has a knife.

  4. #1 vote for her!! She is an absolute genius that a BOMB that went off and injured 25 (fyi it was 29) was a explosion. Does she even know what a bomb is.

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