Yerushalmim Against The Dancing ‘Nachnachim’

1A group of Jerusalem residents have decided to take on the dancing Nachnachim, the Breslov chassidim who are seen dancing in the center of town or often, at red lights. They will often get out of a van stopped for a red light and simply begin dancing. Members of this group are simply bothered by the Nachnachim and they are calling on city officials to enforce laws limiting the volume of noise one is permitted to make. They feel the large speakers mounted on their vans are in violation of the law and should be silenced.

The group has sent a letter to the city legal advisor, calling upon him to take action.

The action appears the action against the Nachnachim is being spearheaded by Dr. Ofir Lang of the Lev Ha’ir community center situated in the Nachlaot area of the capital.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. To No.1:

    Cashenichnas Elul marbim b’Breslov apikorsus! This is not a real chassidus anymore; its become a new age cult meshugaas where these dancing fools are simply one facet of a larger trend where tens of thousands of yidden leave their wives and children during the yamim noraim and spend tens of millions of NIS to fly over and party for a week with the biggest ant-semitim of Eastern Europe. Yes, there are some truly serious yidden who go to the kever of Rav Nachman and daven their hearts out seeking health and hatzlacha. However, the videos posted of non-stop partying and pritzus tell a very different story.

  2. Although it might be cute to see the NaNachs stop their cars and dance, many of these ‘chasidim’ take drugs and live a very dark life style.

    I had a friend who had problems and gravitated to this group and the last I saw him was in Geula high on drugs begging for tzakka.

    HaShem Yerachem on these people.

  3. No. 3 – well , yes we’re already in the middle of Elul , 2 weeks before Rosh HaShanah, and here you are excelling in lashon harah , sinat chinum , smearing Chassidut Breslov and machloket to satisfy your yetzer harah . How about learning something from Breslov , and start to do a little bit of Tshuvah . I think that you need to change your username , to something which reflects the content of your posts . I won’t even waste my time answering the shameful things you said .

  4. Gadolhatorah: who ever said Elul was for teshuva again!?? Go dance a little; it will break the harsh judgements. Love your name btw!

  5. Gadolhadorah – you through the baby out with the bath water. Mainstream Breslovers are not that bad. Just because their are sects among them that are misguided doesn’t give free licence to discredit them all.

  6. Gadolhadorah: There are probably thousands of authentic breslovers who are embarrassed of these fakers. They just keep away from the cameras in Uman!

  7. The fact is they are putting them selves and others lives in danger and holding up traffic
    But gadol you are right this is now a cult and had nothing to do with machin any longer

  8. “a cult that has nothing to do with machin anymore.”

    I don’t think braslav ever had anything to do with machin from the get-go.

    If you think that people are in a cult because they do things differently than you, then realize that you are in a cult.
    Cults require uniform behavior.

    Agav, the reason people go to uman without their wives is because fake leaders (known as gedolim – some are in jail for molestation) told everyone that is not right to spend yom tov with your wife because you need abstinence.

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