WHAT’S NEXT? First They Said She ‘Overheated’; Now She Had Pneumonia Since Friday

csfy1juweaaugnjHillary Clinton has pneumonia, her doctor said Sunday, hours after the Democratic nominee stumbled and exited a 9/11 commemoration ceremony early.

Clinton was diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia, and “was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule,” Dr. Lisa Bardack said in a statement.

“While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely,” said Bardack, chairman of internal medicine at the Mount Kisco Medical Group.

Clinton appeared wobbly Sunday and stumbled as Secret Service agents helped her into a van to depart the 9/11 commemoration ceremony around 9:30 a.m. ET.

Clinton went to her daughter’s nearby apartment and reappeared a little before noon and told reporters she was “feeling great.”


16 Responses

  1. What’s next?
    She took money from foriegn countries and will modify foriegn policy over the security of her own country?
    That sounds as bad as dealing in govt secrets.
    It of course couldn’t be true, if it was we could Felton the press to give a fair report and be loyal to the country

  2. would anyone guess for a moment that Clinton is scrutinizing what anyone around her is saying about her, especially now that trump has been on a roll about her health. such silliness. its a waste of time, lies deception political garbage…

  3. First she’s fine then her doctor says she has Pneumonia. What’s next?

    They can’t be open and honest!!!

    Because she is bad from every angel. Policy, honesty, judgment, corruption, bribes and now health!!!

  4. She clearly is lies about everything including her health; she has pneumonia, but she come out saying she’s fine.
    Her doctor then says that she has pneumonia. She is just so used to lying that she has to have someone else, her doctor, tell us the truth; she just can’t do it. (He had to have her permission or he would have been violating HIPPA regulations.)

  5. take her to the hospital immediately for a 6 month operation & recovery

    no mishebeirachs for her she doesn’t deserve a refuah

    she needs a bigger refuah on her sickness of lying, corruption & dishonesty.

  6. I don’t believe it’s pneumonia. It is something serious and chronic. They lie all the time. She is not fit to be president, not even dog catcher.

  7. I suggest for the good of our country that we get together and sponsor a five-year a long vacation all expenses paid the longer you stay away from a country

  8. Hillary with pneumonia is still better than Trump and whatever ailments he has. And Hillary lying about her health is still better than Trump lying about everything else.

  9. I feel bad for her. (Watch her spring up) She is too frail and infirm to be President. Besides she is a pathological mythomaniac. Not that trump is any better.

  10. #14 – Hilary and Trump are both terribly dangerous.They are both so diseased and rotten to the core, I don’t believe it’s truthful to say that Hilary is better than Trump or vice versa. We’re hard put to say who’s worse – the Satan, the yetzer hara or the malach hamovess – it’s all one and the same. And they’re all here to straighten out our kinks so that we should do teshuva. If having these two candidates running for the presidency of the United States isn’t a wake-up call straight from Heaven, then I don’t know what is! We’ve obviously gotten exactly what we deserve tailor made to reflect the crookedness in our hearts. But do not despair – “Ki lo yidach mimenu nidach” – we are not beyond redemption and this is the month of teshuva, the optimal time to do our share while pleading to Hashem: “Vetaheir libeinu le’ovdecha be’emes.” Let’s each of us take a long, hard look inside rather than finger-point at the next guy. Even if you’re sure that “yenem” is worse, it’s not under your sphere of influence to correct his/her faults, so focus on yourself (myself…) – where you can actually accomplish something. Ksiva vachasima tova to Klal Yisrael and may Moshiach come way before November.

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