As Malkie’s Family Sits Shivah Let Us Put Together Some Of The Pieces


With very heavy hearts and many tears there is some devastating news to share about Malkie. Unfortunately after many months of bravely fighting for her life with many ups and downs, she passed away yesterday, September 6 th , 4 Elul. She was not yet seven years old.

Needless to say, everyone who was in some way connected to her story has been deeply affected by this heart wrenching tragedy.

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No one should have to try and imagine what Malkie’s parents must be going through right now. For years their lives were turned upside down. Trying to take care of the twins’ illness, meet the needs of their other children, and just staying on top of daily life took such a heavy emotional and financial toll on the family. After a short respite, when all seemed to be going well, the news of Malkie’s relapse a few months ago caused the chaos and worry to return.


Malkie had been hospitalized since then, having spent only one night at home since Pesach. Her mother accompanied her every minute during that time, sitting at her bedside and through every treatment. It was what Malkie desperately needed.

During that time, the situation at home once again deteriorated. The physical condition of the house and the emotional needs of the other five children fell by the wayside, as often happens when a family is dealing with a sick child in the hospital. The help from our generous donors is what prevented total collapse of the home.

Now we must step in again. Though Malkie (a’h) is gone and the pain is raw, we must already think ahead. We must be there for her family and do everything we can to help them so they can get through this tragic time and start rebuilding their lives. To accomplish this we need your generous help.

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Please make a donation to help Malkie’s family. We can never take away their pain but with these funds we will have the opportunity to at least stabilize their lives for the next six months. We aim to supply them with a variety of assistance including relieving them of some of their heavy debt, providing them with household help to get the home back to an orderly state, childcare, and therapy for her siblings. Whatever this family needs we will provide.

Please contribute generously and spread Malkie’s story. Help us pick this family up from a place where they should not be. They have gone through and suffered so much. Her parents, her grandparents, her siblings, and of course Toby, her twin sister.

In Malkie’s zchus, please help us continue to build them up so we can keep them all from falling apart.

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