Op-Ed: Why We Need To Take A Closer Look At Tim Kaine


By Ezra Friedlander

Everyone seems to be focusing on the candidates for President but not enough on the Vice Presidential contenders. Having the ear of the President is no small matter. In recent memory, vice presidents-think Cheney and Biden-have exercised significant influence, and it would be prudent to assume that the next Vice President will follow suit.

Recently nominated as Hillary Clinton’s running mate onto the Democratic ticket, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, who has a long history of public service, has likely found the spotlight to be familiar and also (at times) harsh.

It is important that we do not neglect discussing figures like Tim Kaine, whose possible election has great ramifications for our community.

Kaine has a long history as a champion for underserved populations or those at disadvantage because of race or disability-a mission that he has upheld throughout his many years as a private attorney and in elected office.

His deep-rooted Catholic faith is apparent in every undertaking, such as his missionary trip to Honduras 35 years ago, and in his sense of responsibility as a public servant. I feel that it is imperative to unpack and discuss why he has faced backlash from many in the Jewish community.

It is important to reiterate that I am neither endorsing the Clinton-Kaine ticket nor defending him at any cost. Still, I urge people to reconsider whether he deserves the vilification that he has received. Many times, lack of understanding (or the lack of willingness to understand) fuels distrust or assumptions, as is the case for some labeling him as an Islamist or anti-Israel.

However, should his political blunders merit such caustic labels?

The answer is no.

As a Senator, he co-sponsored the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014 and supports funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense program. He is a member of Congress who undeniably understands that Israel’s national security and interests are closely aligned with those of the U.S.

Let us read carefully between the lines and look at Kaine in his entirety as an individual with deep convictions. He likely knows better than most private citizens that hindsight is 20/20, especially as the bulk of his job requires very public decisions that are open to criticism. Take for example, Kaine’s appointment (as governor of Virginia) of Esam Omeish to the Virginia Commission of Immigration in 2007. Given the emergence of disturbing anti-Israel rhetoric and calls for jihad from Omeish, Kaine had to ask for his resignation-ultimately a situation that could have avoided from the very beginning had he been more thorough.

Before he was nominated as Clinton’s running mate, I had the privilege of interacting with Senator Kaine on many occasions at the annual Jewish Heritage Celebration on Capitol Hill where he recognized the many ways in which the Jewish community has and continues to make valuable contributions to American society. Whatever one may think of Senator Kaine’s policies, it is unjust to deny the man his humanity or the warmth that radiates from his person. His emphasis on his collaboration with the Jewish community during his time as Virginia’s governor should be acknowledged. When he speaks of his dedication to promoting people’s rights to “honor their own faith traditions”, this should resonate with the Jewish community.

Even-keeled and extremely likeable, I understand why he has the support of many of his Democratic colleagues as well as those from across the aisle. Republicans from all over the country including Senators John McCain, Pat Toomey, Lamar Alexander, and many more have demonstrated only the utmost respect and praise regarding his nomination. Republican Senator Jeff Flakes notably tweeted, “Trying to count the ways I hate [Kaine]. Drawing a blank. Congrats to a good man and a good friend.” Kaine and Ted Cruz, a staunch conservative, find mutual interest in discussing the humanities though they often oppose each other’s political approaches which reveals Kaine’s ability to find common ground with all types of people.

He is an individual who has a clear grip on the human factor and knows how to effectively incorporate this understanding into his decisions. These outstanding qualities are obvious to all who work with him and benefit from his leadership. His effectiveness as a lawyer, mayor, governor, and senator are testaments to this. Moreover, it is telling that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham describes Kaine to have a “steady hand” and “well-received by [the Republican side] of the aisle”.

Senator Kaine is a fearless unifier with a honed sense of responsibility and duty. The Jesuit ideals he adopted as a young man remain a steadfast beacon in his political and personal life. The extent to which he holds to his religious beliefs and is driven by them were revealed when he said, “If faith is your motivation, share that”.

Such is why I urge people to take deliberate pause when he or any other politician reaches conclusions different from their own.

Members of our government undergo long and difficult processes where they must foresee all possible implications of particular decisions but it has become far too easy for those with limited knowledge or understanding to immediately write off people like Senator Kaine when they disagree with him.

In March 2015, he was attacked by segments of the Jewish community when he was not present for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Upon his nomination, a firestorm of criticism regarding his absence from the speech has painted him as anti-Israel.

As much as others might disagree with him, Kaine’s position stemmed from the perceived partisan nature of Netanyahu’s invitation along with the reality of the upcoming Israeli elections at that time.

Let me be clear: If I were a member of Congress, I would have attended the speech. However, to disqualify Senator Kaine as a friend of the U.S.-Israeli relationship for this is absurd, no matter how passionate one is on the subject or how righteous one feels his position is.

It must be understood that a disagreement with a component of Israeli policy is not equivalent to “anti-Israel” sentiment.

There are those that want to promulgate a doctrine that decisions made by Israeli political leaders cannot be criticized in any way or anyhow-surely this cannot contribute to productive discussions or attitudes.

I am in no way insinuating that Netanyahu addressed Congress for any political purposes other than to alarm the world to the dangers he foresaw in the Iran Deal, but at the end of the day, Israel, like the U.S., is governed by individuals-politicians-which allows room for criticism.

Thus, instead of jumping to conclusions, we should all be more proactive in examining the political sphere. It is vital that we maintain a civil dialogue with the awareness that inflammatory rhetoric is unbecoming of responsible leaders and citizens.

Additionally, there must be emphasis that U.S. government officials such as Senator Kaine have to prerogative to draw their own, informed conclusions.

We, as a community, would benefit from an eagerness to listen and a willingness to understand one another. More importantly, we would all gain from respecting the potential Vice President of the United States and doing our best to acknowledge existing diverse approaches. It is only to our detriment if we approach the world in absolutes.

One of our community’s weaknesses is that we perceive those with different perspectives as menaces to society, but this should not be the case.

Life is very complex. There is far less black and white than grey-a fact that many struggle to acknowledge. Though society very rarely experiences total unity, perhaps this is indicative of difference in beliefs and approaches, not necessarily of good or evil. We would do well to see Senator Kaine in this light.

Ezra Friedlander is CEO of the Friedlander Group, a public policy consulting firm based in NYC and Washington, D.C. For more information, go to www.thefriedlandergroup.com and may be contacted at [email protected] or followed on twitter @ezrafriedlander

38 Responses

  1. Mr. friedlander:

    While many here may know that you are a paid operative of the Democratic Party it would be proper (intellectually honest) to put in your paid article that you are one.
    Let’s be honest: you don’t have the chutzpah to back Hillary straight out so your talking about Kane…

  2. Total garbage!!!

    This article says a lot more about Ezra than crooked Clinton and lefty Kaine.

    This Ezra is misguided, his writings is more in line with the New York Times than TYW!!!

    Why promote this garbage is beyond me!

  3. Ezra Friedlander should disclose his consulting clients before we trust his articles.
    As for his opinion on Tim Kaine, his actions are what count and not words. He talks about representing the under privileged communities, but he generally doesn’t consider the Jewish community as one of them. His vote for legislation in which Israel benefited is meaningless as the Democratic party forces their team to vote according to party line, and the legislation was modified to quiet the Arab supporters in Congress and wasn’t as strong as the pro Israel Republicans wanted it. Appointing an openly American hating Arab to an immigration team nonetheless shows who he considers a disadvantaged community. Covering it up by saying he could’ve vetted him better, is the typical democratic playbook for playing the public after you’re caught, like Hillary not knowing C is for classified.
    American Jews are staying to see that they are being used and manipulated by the Democratic party, and that the party of the poor and underprivileged had become the party of the gays, illegals, cop shooters, drug users, terrorists, and other similar underprivileged groups.
    Ezra, you seem like a nice guy, but your bias is obvious, abs your conclusion is determined before you write the article.

  4. Ezra Friedlander is always on the wrong side. He seems to take the side of whoever pays him to do so, right or wrong. It’s the money that counts!!
    For example: He brought that toayvah member of the NY city council into the home of chusheva Yidden.
    Then he defended that fat menuval Congressman Nadler for defending toayvahs and for his “Jewish” support of the Iran Nuclear Deal that gave Obama cover in the Jewish community.
    Now he’s supporting that anti-Semite Virginia Senator Tim Kaine is outragious!

    “Clinton VP tapped pro-terror Muslim leader for immigration seat” – Arutz Sheva, July 25, 2016.

    Kaine appointed anti-Israel, pro-terror Muslim leader to head Immigration Commission; called criticism of pick ‘xenophobia’.

    Virginia Senator and former Governor Tim Kaine has been the Democratic Party’s presumptive Vice Presidential nominee for just three days, yet the pick has already drawn fire from the pro-Israel community due in part to Kaine’s robust support for the Iran nuclear deal, his boycott of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress in 2015, and his ties to a left-wing NGO.

    Now, a controversial appointment made during his tenure as Governor of Virginia has raised new questions.

    In 2007, then-Governor Kaine appointed Esam Omeish, a Libyan-born physician and then-president of the Muslim American Society, to Virginia’s Immigration Commission. This came despite Omeish’s history of ties and expressions of support for radical Islam and Jihadist terrorism.

    In addition to Omeish’s ties to radical Islam, his recorded comments prior to the 2007 appointment by Governor Kaine made his support for Jihadist terror even more explicit.

    During a December 22, 2000 speech at a Jerusalem Day Rally in Lafayette Park, in Washington D.C., Omeish praised “the Jihad way” to “liberate your land”.

    Ezra Friedlander: Stop selling the Jewish Community out for the sake of your pocket$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

  5. Tim Kaine Is very unimpressive.

    Just because a Guy with a “langa Reckel” supports him thinks he is “Level headed” does not mean that he is.

    1. If he is somewhat Leavel headed, he would decry the Dangerous Iranian Nuclear Pact.

    2. Tim Kaine is supporting Clinton’s Initiatives, Including sentencing guidelines !!!
    In Plain English- Get the Prisoners out !.

    3. There are many more EXTREME positions by Clinton/Kaine.

    Let us NOT be foolish and follow the Whim of some guy of what we have no idea as to his interest in this matter.

    We should follow our Gedolim and Rabbonim.

  6. Mr. Friedlander, if you are getting paid to tout Kaine to the Jewish community, or have some other vested interest in doing that, please be up-front about it and say so.

    If you are not, then you should say so as well, because, given your profession, people will automatically assume that you have an axe to grind unless you come right out and say that you don’t.

  7. Ezra Friedlander even wears his lapel pin on the wrong side!

    The correct location for a lapel pin is the left side of a jacket, near the heart. The United States Flag Code Section 8(J) states the following about wearing an American flag pin: “The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.”

    Only a US Army, Vietnam Veteran like me would even notice that! But it does show that he always takes the wrong side.

  8. Hey Ezra, stop selling us snake oil. The fact that Kaine agreed to server with the most evil and corrupt woman in recent history tells a lot about his character.

  9. 1 question before anything else. Has Friedlander ever been paid by a Clinton campaign. If the answer is yes, why has this article been posted.

  10. Never believe anything Ezra Friedlander says! He’d sell his soul for the right price. He even supported that heavy set Jewish congressman who supportred Obama in selling the nuclear deal with Iraq. He’d probably support Hitler for the right price! He’s a bum who we should throw out of our community!

  11. OK.
    IMHO you are making sense.

    All in all, I think the world would be a better place if the presidential candidates would be Kaine and Pence.
    Any chance we could get Hillary and Donald to bow out graciously??? 🙂

  12. You weren’t saying it but you were. That’s nice but Hillary Clinton CANNOT become our next president! She is a liar of the highest degree who has no problem selling the USA down the toilet bowl as was evidenced by her server and emails. Any non demopoop candidate would have been tarred and feathered so badly THEY would have been the ones moving to Canada!!


  13. Unbelievable what some people can do to make sure they’ll keep getting their free stuff at the expense of hard-working tax-payers like myself. Shame on YWN once more for serving as the American Left’s mouthpiece. You wouldn’t realize what you’re doing even if the truth would hit you in the face. Anyone voting democrat should know is contributing to the destruction of this country, is empowering Israel’s enemies and is advancing the leftist agenda, the modern day Amalek. If the left gets their way you’ll have to look for a different place to practice Yiddishkeit. As long as Ezra Free Rider gets his handouts…

  14. Sad to see how many of our community are willing to vote Trump.
    There was nothing “perceived” about the partisanship in Netanyahu’s speech. It was arranged by the Republicans as a slap in the face of a sitting president. Like him or not, it was not the place of a foreign leader to take part in that. Unlike the writer, if I was a member of congress I would have NOT participated in the show put up by the republicans, not for Israel’s security, but as a political theater. The damage to Israel from it is still felt.

  15. who is this ezra friedlander that i should take him seriously? who appointed him to be the jewish spokesman? and if it’s true that he’s being paid by the democrats to espouse these views and that he has an axe to grind, then for sure he can not be taken seriously. wow, what money can do to people! Hashem Yishmor.

  16. I cant stomach this man any longer. Paid Pumper ! He came to speak at our frum kiruv organization with his Hillary garbage this year . Was tempted to pull the plug on him as he was on live radio feed also. What a chillul hashem that newly baaley teshuva kids would have to hear this idiots pro Hillary- Toeva pitch .Should be put in cherem , imo .

  17. Funny, Hamodia & other publications that serve our community constantly harp on the fact that not enough of us go out and vote. It is precisely articles like this that encourage people to stay home. What an absolute disgrace. Does anyone really care about the average Yossi trying to cover his mortgage and tuition bills? A publicist gets a few $ from left wing wackos and there is no line that will not be crossed. a 5 cents bag tax in NYC, a senator that is beloved by BDS, anything goes! Why do we give this guy a platform

  18. This guy is a disgrace and a fake phony fraud, I can’t believe YWN gives him a platform, does he truly believe we are that stupid maybe try selling us hitler, not long ago this ezra went on live radio at a respected organization and gave us all his Hillary garbage, at the time YWN blocked my comment about this evil person, hopefully now they wont.

  19. Nu, Reb Ezra, what about an in depth article on Mike Pence? If you are takeh so concerned about the low information Jewish voter, why not tell us about Mike Pence? You claim to be so honest. Give us both sides. You gave us all the excuses and Bubbe maasos of why Kaine did all his actions to show anyone with a half a brain, that he HATES Yidden. So now let’s see the other side. Maybe they’re better. Nu?

  20. #22 , read my comment . I work in that org. and was there live . Absolutely sickening ! Imagine a newly found jew first experience with kiruv and he hears this so called frum guy on radio promoting a candidate who holds of every anti Torah value out there .He got paid for that night too.!!. YWN why bring this up in ELUL especially

  21. wow–such much hatred and in Chodesh Elul to boot but all in the name of the Torah of coarse! What hypocrisy!

    I’m not that knowledgeable in political matters but it doesn’t seem all this criticism is warranted against mr. Freedlander

  22. i wish all these so called couch potato experts would know their facts before writing. It so happens to be that it was the Reagan administration that first recognized the PLO and it was the first Bush administration that pressured Israel to no ends and it was the 2 Bush Administration where days after 9/11 allowed hundreds of Saudis to fly back to Saudi Arabia but these are uncomfortable facts that get in the way of your Obama haters! I will not even go into the disaster of having Iraq war which of not for toppling Saadam there would be no need to even have a IRAN DEAL as BOTH sides Iran and Iraq would be busy with each other!

    Yes, blame everything on the democrats–live in your lovely shtetell!

    Ezra Friedlander happens to make good arguments about political engagement.

  23. Friedlander left out the fact that Kaine REFUSED to sign a letter to President Obama urging him to increase military aid to Israel in light of the thousands of missiles which Hamas and Hezbollah have. The letter was signed by 83 Senators. You can argue both sides when it comes to the Netanyahu speech, but there is no defense to Kaine’s refusal to sign the letter. It obviously shows a bias against Israel. Why wouldn’t anyone sign such a letter? There is no excuse and I suspect that this is the reason Friedlander doesn’t deal with it.

    Also, why does he say that we should look at Kaine positively because he has a Jesuit background. Jesuits are part of a Catholic organization called the Society of J–. The Society has a long history of deep-seated anti-Semitism. So deep seated that they have even refused to allow Jews who converted to Catholicism join. This kind of anti-Semitism isn’t just religious, it is racist, akin to Hitler Yemach Shmo’s anti-Semitism. I am not saying that Kaine or all Jesuits are anti-Semites. But in light of their history, it is strange that Friedlander thinks that this is something positive

  24. I hope Clinton becomes President because all the naysayers who eat off food stamps who actually live off the liberals will all have to go to work you and u wont be able to write your shtisim! everyone in the know who has a half brain knows trump is a menuval of the highest magnitude.

  25. ezra Frtiedlander makes good points! since when did our community become reactionary? Yes! We do need to evaluate Kaine in the proper context! Who said that Kaine is this evel person? Just because he does not toe the ZOA or hard right? Are they our new manhigim??? I Applaud YWN for having the good taste and posting Friedlander’s oped which is balanced, reasonable and well articulated! Keep it up! we need more like you! All of the extremists have no PLACE IN A TORAH SOCIETY!

  26. From time immemorial it was always teh policy to have shadlonim –ask Rav Aharon kotler, teh Klausenberger Rebbe, Satmar Rebbe, Bobover Rebbe, Rav Moshe Moshe and others. This notion of writing off an entire party and condemning a guy like Ezra is sheer craziness. Who cares if he successful?? did he ever represent himself as a so called Jewish leader? Never! He says opening he represents clients –no different than Ben Brafman! Would u condemn your lawyer who defends rubashkin?

  27. everyone negative comment is filled with jealousy and umfaginer. he made a business out of himself and his connections rival those of the biggest Jewish organizations so i advise everyone; eat your heart out but friedlander is still going to going climb higher. and i also don’t understand what’s wrong if he represents clients. never in history has there been a frum person with connections at the highest levels of the us government. I can attest personally that if Clinton becomes president all the machers who attack him will come groveling for favors.

  28. I smiled while reading this. The only time that Kaine’s policies matter is when he needs to succeed Clinton. That elicits a smile.

    Politics always stinks. It is easy for everyone here, regardless of which side they take, to see that this pitch is with political intent. And each such effort taken leads to additional perks, not yet identified.

    Reality is that Kaine was on the wrong side regarding Israel a few times too many. And that spells risk. He did so even when that position was unpopular. He really wanted to make that negative statement. All Ezra keeps repeating is that voters should recognize that deep down, he’s a really nice guy. That’s why lawyers are buried 12 feet deep. The personality of a leader matters, but is secondary to policy. And bad policies with a stack of excuses do not work with me.

    As one commenter noted, anyone who can serve as a running mate and partner to a pathological liar must have highly compromised values regarding truth. That is enough to throw my vote away. As someone online noted, Kaine is not Abel.

  29. There is nothing wrong with respectfully disagreeing with anyone, even on Yom Kipur. Let’s just be honest. Mr Friedlander is a PAID political consultant. He gets paid to espouse these views. The “frum” press is guilty for posting it, as if his view is anything lese that a paid advertisement. How much business does Mr. Friedlander generate for Hamodia, The Lakewood Scoop, Matzav, The Yeshiva World etc. How much do these outfits get paid. No wonder people don’t vote. They are sick & tired from all this falsehood.

    Moderators Note: You’re just jealous that LTC doesn’t have Ezra’s clients. YWN would gladly publish your thoughts as well – free of charge (just as not a penny was given to YWN for this). Of course, make sure to write your name and contact info at the bottom. Just like Ezra. Otherwise, you are just an anonymous blogger like the rest, hiding behind a screen.

  30. While I do not agree with Mr. Friedlander on this issue, the venom directed towards him is disgusting. He is stating his OPINION, that is all… And there is nothing wrong with that. Just because a person may have a different opinion than the mainstream, does not mean we should attack or bring him down personally. I am ashamed to be reading these comments, especially during Elul.

  31. I wouldn’t write this if I didn’t think that Freidlander is going to read it. Quite frankly Ezra, when I want to know which candidate is the most hostile to frum interests I look to see who you are supporting. That is the worst candidate for us.

    I’ll never forget your op-ed saying that when Quinn sneered about other candidates pandering to rabbis in relation to metitza B’Peh that is WHEN you decided to support her. (Actually I think it is when she agreed to pay you but that is a different story…) Had I not know you wrote that article I would thought is was a parody making fun of you.

  32. #36, an OPINION that happens to always suit your pocket – including a year ago allowing Iran to go nuclear – is not exactly an OPINION. That’s what’s causing all “the venom”…

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