Effort To Take Sefer Torah From Men’s Section To Women At Kosel Intercepted

koselThe Women of the Wall crowd on Sunday, 2 Rosh Chodesh Elul was smaller than seen in recent months. At one point, an effort was made to ‘smuggle’ a Sefer Torah from the men’s section to the ezras noshim but the effort was detected and prevent. Baruch Hashem the morning event passed without any major disturbances at the holy site.

The women were first prevented from reaching the ezras noshim area of the Kosel but a senior police commander permitted their entry, armed with shofars. Some frum women davening complained to police, citing the women were desecrating the holiness of the area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. First they ask for police protection and then they try to break the law, they are not out to reach to HaShem, they are out to bring anarchy to religious observance.

  2. Its a shame the media is still fixated on these women who have a misguided sense of how, when and where they can express their “hashkafah”. It would be better to just ignore them than continue to provide this PR, which is what they really want.

  3. If they really truly are serious about it, why do they only try it on a weekday? They don’t go there on shabbos cuz there are no cameras.
    Ergo… Not serious

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