Concrete Pumps Intercepted at Kerem Shalom Crossing

5 áéðåàø 2009àøáòéí åúùò îùàéåú åáäï 1119 èåï ùì ñçåøåú äåòáøå äéåí (á') ãøê îòáø "ëøí ùìåí" àì úåê øöåòú òæä. ÷îç, öéåã øôåàé åúøåôåú äéå ø÷ çì÷ îäîåöøéí ùäåòáøå áçñåú àøâåðéí áéï-ìàåîééí åîãéðåú ùåðåú ëâåï: àåðø"à (ñåëðåú äñòã åäùé÷åí ùì äàåîåú äîàåçãåúInspectors operating at the Kerem Shalom Crossing to Gaza detected a container with concrete pumps which was being smuggled into Gaza to advance Hamas’ terror tunnel network.

In another case, inspectors intercepted a smuggling attempt involving electrodes for welding designed for the manufacture of rockets.

The illegal items were confiscated and an investigation was launched to track down the suppliers towards determining their relationship if any with persons in Gaza. Such organizations and equipment vendors that were tied to smuggling have been outlawed in the past.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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