For MK Yehuda Glick, Women Wearing Tefilin At The Kosel Is Mesirus Nefesh

koselMK (Likud) Yehuda Glick feels it is inappropriate to use the work “provocation” every time Women of the Wall (WoW) take an initiative at the Kosel including their prayer services and putting on tefilin.

Speaking with the dati leumi Srugim website, Glick refers to a learning group sponsored by WoW to teach about the significance of shofar blowing. He questions how in the world anyone can interpret this as a provocative action, adding “There is not even an issue of kol isha here”.

Glick feels that davka with the blowing of shofar there is an opportunity for compromise between WoW and the chareidim, adding it is the latter which must take the first step towards the former, WoW.

He repeatedly questions why everything they do is viewed to be provocative, questioning what is wrong with women blowing a shofar since “It is not singing, not chazonus, and not a provocation. The chareidim must take the first step towards compromise”.

Glick was asked to comment on the feeling of many that the actions of WoW are not genuine, not L’Shem Shomayim. He responds “Why do you think their actions are not L’Shem Shomayim? For 25 years a woman comes to the Kosel monthly and puts on tefilin despite the fact they do everything possible against her. This is mesirus nefesh. Why do they believe these women are not acting L’Shem Shomayim? Why not judge them favorably?”

He continues “What is so bothersome about women putting on tefilin? My wife does not put on tefilin but what is bothersome about other women who do put on tefilin? She is not forcing other women to do so. She wants to put on tefilin. What is wrong with this?”

He concludes saying “Those who are strengthening WoW are the same ones fighting them. Nothing good will come of this, nothing good”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. There are two things at play here, one is provocation, in your face. Two changing the status quo. Yes these women are just there to be provocative. A lady who comes quietly with no fanfare and puts on tallis and tefilin may get some stares but no will be harassing her. I will even say that if a whole bus load of woman came to the kosel to daven in talis and tefilin no one would stop them. The problem begins when they do things which under jewish law can not be acceptable such as kol isha or making a minyon of men and woman. These woman want US to change by accepting them and all they stand for. This would be just as bad as accepting the practices of the reform movement who don’t believe in Torah MiSinai.

  2. (I left out a line in my last post)
    There are two things at play here, one is provocation, in your face. Two changing the status quo. Yes these women are just there to be provocative. A lady who comes quietly with no fanfare and puts on tallis and tefilin may get some stares but no will be harassing her. I will even say that if a whole bus load of woman came to the kosel to daven in talis and tefilin no one would stop them. The problem begins when they do things loud and boisterous trying to attract attention to themselves. Then they do things which under jewish law can not be acceptable such as kol isha or making a minyon of men and woman. These woman want US to change by accepting them and all they stand for. This would be just as bad as accepting the practices of the reform movement who don’t believe in Torah MiSinai.

  3. He just wants people to forget that he is the one responsible for most of the bloodshed that is happening in EY.

  4. hashem help..chereidim should never ever compromise with these idiots.Why do they need chereidim do they whant them to mingle.That can chas vashulim be the begining of the chorbin..god forbid

  5. GLick,

    It’s Simple

    Poretz Geder yin’shachenu nachash

    Those who Portzei Geder deserve to be bitten by snakes

    Rabbi Gordimer has been writing about these slippery slpoes for the past couple of years .Read It

  6. Rav Aharon Kotler , already warned back in the 50s, that the greatest threat facing Jewry is [not inter-marriage or assimilation, but rather] perversion of the Torah,
    (Mishnas Reb Aharon 1:2,3:6).

  7. Oh come on, no one’s that naive.WOW is there to provoke, they purposely set up in the corner of the women’s section next to the men’s section to provoke as much as possible.Natalie Bennett spent millions of shekels to build their own section which they refuse to use because they can’t provoke there.Most of these women don’t even observe Shabbat,etc.

  8. Don’t generalize. Some of the WOW members are clearly their for the publicity. But many have deeply held beliefs, whether you agree or disagree, that women can participate in certain mitzvoth to a greater degree than women traditionally have in the past consistent with their view of halacha. Clearly, a generation from now, there will be considerably higher degree of women’s participation, whether the current chareidi leadership approves or not. Sadly, a small group of women who are hard core feminists are making it difficult for the larger percentage of frum women who seek greater participation but want to do so in quiet and non-interruptive manner.

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