IDF Continues To Order Soldiers To Shave Their Beards

1It appears compelling soldiers to shave their beards remains a high priority for the IDF as no less than 52 new inductees last week were ordered to shave as they were not given authorization to sport a beard when they entered the military.

Speaking to Israel Radio on Sunday, 17 Menachem Av, Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel stated the policy is “painful” and he calls on IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott to reevaluate the new directive, which Ariel feels “has no place in the IDF”.

The IDF maintains that religious soldiers may maintain a beard for religious reasons as well as a secular soldier who had a beard prior to induction. However, in recent months this has not been the case as many religious soldiers were instructed to shave and failing to comply with a direct order will result in charges of insubordination.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Wow! The rabonim were right! They just want to destroy the jewish identity these haredim have. Just keeps on being proven time and time again.

  2. These were people who did qualify or bring the necessary documentation. Chareidim are not required to shave if they file the correct paperwork.

  3. Let’s hear from our dati leumi brethren who are outraged by this.??? Where is ziongate, and rabbis berlin? I am surprised that all the Satmar haters haven’t commented and voiced their outrage over this…45 comments on the anti Israel video… 1 one this one…



  4. A dati Leumi person shares your outrage. Anyone know how to petition the people in the IDF who are responsible for this?

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