Court Overrules Haifa City Hall In Favor Of Chareidim

1A Haifa Magistrate Court ruling results in a victory for the chareidi tzibur over City Hall as the court is permitting the construction of a Belze Chassidus Beis Yaakov. The city issued a stop-work order but the chassidus appealed the decision to the court.

It was during the court session the attorney for Belz explained how Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav has become an enemy of the chareidim, one who does not honor coalition agreements and that there was no justification for the stop-work order since the plot was acquired legally by Belz. It was explained to the court it is a private building that will in the future be home to hundreds of Belz Beis Yaakov students.

It was explained to the court that when Yahav learned chareidim were buying the building, he used the full weight of his office to block the sale, albeit unsuccessfully.

The court’s ruling canceled the city’s order, permitting continued construction. Haifa Councilman (Degel Hatorah) Miki Alper and Belz askanim Ze’ev Nachman and Lazar Nachman were among those present in court.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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