Likud Cabinet Ministers Wants To Legalize Professional Sports On Shabbos

soccAs chareidi parties are fighting increasing chilul Shabbos on local and national levels, a member of the cabinet stands behind an initiative to legalize professional sports on Shabbos. To date, professional sports has been banned on Shabbos but this is now added to the list of efforts to increase chilul Shabbos with government approval.

Welfare Minister (Likud) Chaim Katz feels the time has come to officially sanction professional sports on Shabbos, something that has been banned since the establishment of the state. Katz has timed his call to coincide with a growing effort to open entertainment venues in major cities as well as shopping centers. He is hoping to capitalize on the growing number of elected officials who feel the non-religious community should be able to enjoy the ‘day of rest’ as they wish, not necessarily in line with halacha.

Adding to this there is a growing number of new immigrants who arrived in the past decade and their entitlement to Bituach Leumi when they retire is less than one paying for many more years. The point is that there is a growing number of elderly and in that group a growing number of people living below the poverty level.

In my opinion, if this is not addressed and solutions forthcoming, this problem will become far more serious.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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