NYC Prepares to Mark 25 Years Since Crown Heights Riots

ch4The following is via NY1:

Twenty-five years ago this Friday, the accidental death of a boy in Crown Heights sparked one of the ugliest episodes in the city’s history: three days of violence that featured violent clashes between Brooklyn’s Jewish and black communities.

It began when a station wagon, part of a motorcade carrying the leader of a Jewish sect, veered onto a sidewalk and struck two black children playing with their bicycles.

Seven-year-old Gavin Cato was killed; his cousin, Angela Cato, was severely injured.

An angry crowd formed, and in the violence that ensued,

Hasidic scholar Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death.

His brother Norman, who became a vocal advocate on his family’s behalf, says he still blames the inaction of Mayor Dinkins and other city officials for his brother’s death.

“They allowed that crowd’s intensity to increase, the racial epithets to continue. And then they let them roam throughout Crown Heights and literally attack any Jew on the street,” Rosenbaum recently told NY1.

The riots resulted in nearly 200 injuries and extensive property damage while the political fallout badly hurt Mayor David Dinkins’ 1993 re-election bid.

ch2 ch3 ch4

(Source: NY1)

8 Responses

  1. In your pictures you picked the two most responsible for the pogrom. Mr. Dinkins the most inept mayor this city ever had. And the rabble rousing Sharpton who never had the decency to apologize for his behavior during the riots. The third picture of the overturned police car is a most appropriate picture. It shows how in all these years some things never changed. Until organizations like black lives matter take responsibility for their own actions and stop blaming society for their problems. Until political correctness is corrected, you will see overturned police cars in Baltimore, Furgenson, and Milwaukee.

  2. This article, like many others about the Crown Heights pogrom of 1991, mischaracterizes the event as “three days of violence that featured violent clashes between Brooklyn’s Jewish and black communities.” I am fairly certain, though I was not there at the time, that Jews did not clash with African Americans. Jews were attacked by certain African Americans in a mob. Things got better in Crown Heights because of responsible leaders like the Lubavitcher Rebbe and some responsible black leaders – regrettably, not the duly elected mayor or the police commissioner – who had the courage to recognize what was happening.

  3. de blasio considers BOTH Dinkins (who he worked for and named the municipal building in honor of) and Shartpon as good people and yet frum people like to have pictures with this friend of Jew haters.

  4. If you never lived through a pogrom, you are lucky. It was pure insanity, and we were trapped – some of us literally, not able to even go to the windows (my friend on the block where Yankel Rosenbaum HY”D was murdered, didn’t have many windows left. With 9 kids in the house, she was terrified.)

    There is a lot I could say about the riots & the aftermath, but in those immortal words spoken by another antisemite, Hillary Clinton – “what difference would it make?” 1991 was just the beginning of Black violence – they got away with it then, & they never looked back. We do, though – over our shoulders.

  5. Dinkins was always a shaiv v’al ta’aseh, do-nothing, pro-criminal, anti-cop mayor. Basically a black version of current mayor deblastoff.

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