Photo Essay: Catskills – Bochrim Learning In Camp Morris (Photos by JDN)

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3 Responses

  1. So you don’t like to show the sephardic Yeshivat Ateret Torah bochrim , who have been learning torah in camp Morris for a couple ofdecades ?

  2. If yoy call yoursslf make a point the only point you made is to start an argument that leads to sinas chinam.How do you know the pics that were sent in was taken at a time that the Sefarfi bachurim were some where else.This is how fights start on assumtions that they davka left them out.Please think before you judge.That is my point

  3. How about having some photo essays about life in the City. There are day camps and yeshivos open till tisha b’av. People are learning in the botei medrashim in the city as well. Buses are busy taking children on trips. The city that never sleeps isn’t taking off in the summer.

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