Modi’in Illit’s Rav Kessler Against The Education Ministry

1HaGaon HaRav Meir Kessler, Mora D’asra of Modi’in Illit, has published a letter against the Ministry of Education’s involvement in kindergartens in the city and has instructed kindergarten teachers and assistants to ignore the new ministry program.

In his letter, Rav Kessler explains an assembly was held in preparation of the new school year and it was during this event that the ministry district supervisor distributed information which pertains to the kindergartens.

Rav Kessler ignores kindergarten employees to “ignore” the pamphlet on nature, science and technology, adding its title is misleading, entitled ‘Ma Rabu Ma’asecha Hashem’ (מה רבו מעשיך ה’). Rav Kessler explains the pamphlet was distributed to introduce “foreign concepts” at the expense of chareidi education including stories from the weekly parsha and yomim tovim, with the latter leading to Yiras Hashem among the little ones.

Rav Kessler concludes a kenos will be held on Tuesday, 26 Menachem Av at which time the pamphlet and the ministry’s actions will be addressed in detail.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This problem was going on for a while. About time there’s 1 Rav putting his foot down and sticking up for the Torah. Hopefully, other schools will follow.

  2. This is absurd.This is the kind of evil,sneaky stuff that Christian missionaries do -handing out pamphlets that look “kosher” but are really subterfuge for their evil propaganda.It’s outrageous that the Ministry of Education would try the same thing to influence Jews away from Torah observance!

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