Hezbollah Leader Supports Trump’s Claim That US Created ISIS

nasrDonald Trump has found at least one person who agrees with his allegation that the U.S. administration founded the Islamic State group.

The leader of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group quoted Trump at a rally in the country’s south Saturday, saying the presidential candidate’s statements were based on facts.

Hassan Nasrallah says: “this is an American presidential candidate who is saying this. What he says is based on facts and documents.”

Trump this week described President Barack Obama as the “founder” of IS. Trump later said the claim was intended as sarcasm.

Nasrallah, who has sent thousands of his fighters to Syria to shore up President Bashar Assad’s forces, has long claimed that the U.S. helped create and fuel the rise of Islamic extremists to destabilize the Middle East.


13 Responses

  1. YWN, Remember I warned you months ago.
    Continue with posting all this anti-trump media shtik, and unfortunately you are bringing yourself down.
    You can’t just post every article put out by the Hillary press.
    Bli neder, this is my last warning to you, my [used to be] beloved YWN, if you go anti-trump your business is over. Chas veSholom not a curse, just a fact. There is a long list of people and companies, including heimishe Yidden, that have (openly min hasomayim) been reduced to less than half, after they openly went anti-trump.
    Please, pretty please, listen! And don’t be afraid of the Clinton machine, as dangerous as it can be.
    Betach b’Hashem. You have to!

    Moderators response: Ok. Nat. Whatever you say. No clue what you’re talking about. Love that the anti-Trumpers think we are pro-Trump, and the pro-Trumpers think we are anti-Trump.

  2. I am extremely surprised that ywn is following the leftist media narrative blindly, trump never said Obama went and founded ISIS what he was,saying and is self understood is through his actions is is came about

  3. @Shlepper you should really go get some help. I don’t know what your taking about. Ywn might be the most bias pro republican Jewish site out there…. I think your listening to too much conservative radio. Nobody is bias against trump except for trump himself who lies and talks stupidity all day. I don’t like Clinton but all least you know what your getting from her. Btw ywn only shows political videos from fox news which is so bias republican that is embarrassing and the people on are always either Gingrich or Gullianai two trump apologists that always find a way how to defend him that is laughable

  4. Shlepper,

    The only one who is anti-Trump is Donald J. Trump. He needs medical attention and as long as he doesn’t seek it, he will act like a mentally deranged person without meds. This is not the Clinton machine: This is Donald J. Trump (except if you’re insinuating that Trump is a hired Clinton plant – which is extremely plausible).

    The fact that there is a long list of businesses and heimishe Yidden that have lost business for being anti-Trump is probably as true as all facts that Donald creates. The fact is that everyone who invested with Trump – including heimishe Yidden whom I know personally – lost money.

    I understand rednecks who believe that Trump is their savior just like I understood why liberals saw Obama as their messiah. However, heimishe Yidden should not be trapped in the Trump cult and definitely not in the former of idolatry.

  5. @shleppers what the h@ll are you spewing? I have never seen a more ridiculous comment in ever. you sound like you’re on Crack.

  6. Well , hi there Moderator .
    I think that this is what shlepper is talking about .
    At approx 10.25 am NYC time Yeshiva World I count
    44 total headlines on the main page .
    11 of those are on Trump , most with a negative intention !
    1 is on Clinton , and includes a negative intention for Trump .
    Which means Yeshiva World is doing exactly the same as most of mainstream media .
    All this , while there are certainly some very negative headlines on Clinton out there .
    Hope this headline and my comment don’t not get bumped off the main page in the coming minutes .

  7. #10 & #1 Well, YWN is a liberal media like other Leftists media but with somewhat a religious flavor (after all they do need parnassah), not very “yeshivish” though, more like MO, but you can’t expect them to be pro Trump, could you?

  8. Arye, #12;
    “after all they do need parnassah”
    Exactly my point, Arye. This election is NOT about ‘views’ or opinions, left or right. Most people, from both sides, realize that this election is about freedom or communism. (Communism of the worst form yet.) Simple as that. (Forget about America as we know it.)Of course this communism masquerades as something else, but you would have a murderous regime that uses all facets of the USA government for self gain and tyrannical power.
    Check youtube for ‘Clinton murders’ and similar titles.

    So, YWN has to have Mesiras Nefesh and the courage of Trump!

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