Is Jerusalem Degel Hatorah Councilman Pindrus For Or Against Yeshivas Chachmei Lev?

1Yeshivas Chachmei Lev is located in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Jerusalem, serving chareidi talmidim who are seeking a bagrut matriculation high school diploma. The yeshiva’s existence is a constant uphill battle as many residents of the growing chareidi community oppose the yeshiva’s presence. They fear if talmidim attending a yeshiva ketana see the matriculation diploma option, they may be pulled in and abandon their fulltime limud Torah.

Kikar Shabbos has detected by Jerusalem Deputy Mayor (Degel Hatorah) Yitzchak Pindrus has issued conflicting statements pertaining to the yeshiva. When speaking to non-chareidim in English, he boasted how he assisted in bringing the yeshiva to the area. however, when speaking in Hebrew, his comments are condemnatory, stating one may not assist the yeshiva which is operating contrary to the explicitly instructions of Gedolei Yisrael.

Commenting on the report, Pindrus explains his comments in English were made before Gedolei Yisrael spoke out against the yeshiva. However, a check reveals Pindrus is documented some two years ago agreeing with his colleagues that the yeshiva is operating against the word of Gedolei Yisrael and therefore, no one should be assisting him. This was before his English statements in support of the yeshiva.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. It is clear, who ever supports the yishiva can not be a ‘gadol hador’, since the newspapers are the media that decides who is who in the charadi world.

  2. No contradiction here, after all he is a politician.

    But I have a feeling that many of the opponents to the yeshiva silently wish they could send their kids to such a school…

  3. The purpose of this “yeshiva” is to take boys away from true limud Torah, which is one of the pillars upon which Am Yisrael rests. There are many movements going on the country today whose goal is to undermine Torah and the Chareidi lifestyle.

    And I can assure you that the opponents to the school do NOT silently wish that they could send their sons there. Whoever understands the kedusha of Torah knows that this is a modern-day haskalla movement, just out to destroy am Yiarael.

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