Photo Essay: Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe In Austria For Vacation (Photos by JDN)

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5 Responses

  1. Can’t the Rebbe be left alone? He is clearly in need of assistance, so a gabbai or two make sense. What’s with the rest of the crowd, and with the photographers? Is this really a vacation?

  2. Do the rebbe’s chassidim have also have the resources to take vacations in Australia, Switzerland etc.?? Every year we see these photos of chashuve rabbonim flying off to vacation areas along with an entourage of gaaboim, askanim etc at what is presumably a substantial cost (most probably paid for by wealthy chassidim of these rabbonim). However, it always seems to raise the question of appearences when so many in the chareidi tzibur are struggling just to put food on the table or pay tuition.

  3. #1: The most people seen in any picture is maybe 12 or 13. The rebbe does need a minyan you know, unlike some other people when they go on vacation…

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