Kaplan Hospital In Rehovot: 60-Year-Old Mom Delivers Healthy Child – Her FIRST!

iag.jpgThere was some excitement in the delivery room of Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot on Tuesday morning 27 Tammuz as a sixty-year-old woman arrived and the decision was made to deliver her baby due to her developing preeclampsia. The delivery was accomplished by C-section. It was mom’s first child.

The hospital reports mom and the baby girl are in good condition. The mother requests that her name and all other information that might lead to her identity are excluded from the report.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo; Ofir Levy, Kaplan spokesman unit)

4 Responses

  1. Mazel tov. May Hashem give this Mum the strength and health to raise her child well. May He help
    both parents to remain young and energetic and see much nachas from their bas zekunim until 120.

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